Sun, Feb 16, 3:38 AM CST

Looking for air

Vue (none) posted on Jan 21, 2001
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Those poor truits are desperately looking for air... Made in Vue3 only, no post-production. and yet another E-on award.

Comments (14)



10:34AM | Sun, 21 January 2001

very thorough realism



11:23AM | Sun, 21 January 2001

Someone grab my rod (fishing rod that is) im going fishing. I've always love the look of fog and trees.... its a very calming view. Lovely work here.


2:36PM | Sun, 21 January 2001

Gorgeous! I wish I could take photographs like this!


11:59PM | Sun, 21 January 2001

Excellent job on the water and snow. I think it looks more like a very well done watercolor more than anything else. Great job, really.


3:03AM | Mon, 22 January 2001

Thanks all for the great comments, I didn't ever imagine I could get a "10" rating !!! Fr3aK : I don't know if you allowed to go fishing in France in winter ;-) BTW, these truits aren't comestible !


1:00PM | Mon, 22 January 2001

beautiful work. love the fog and sense of quiet.


5:03PM | Mon, 22 January 2001

You have a marvellous command of the Vue medium. I had no idea that one could deposit snow on a terrain so realistically. Your handling of the mist is excellent; perhaps some time you could try a Chinese brush painting landscape, with the succeeding rows of hills disappearing in the distance.


2:51AM | Tue, 23 January 2001

~ rtmecon : thanks from your kind comment, I've never tried this, but I surely will, since I love chinese paintings


3:15PM | Wed, 24 January 2001

Great Picture, though I think the snow could perhaps look a tiny bit more realistic. Steve


3:00AM | Thu, 25 January 2001

~ sspear : well, i've already seen snow like that, when nobody has walked on it, after a 30cm snow fall.



12:28AM | Sat, 03 February 2001

Quite a wonderful work, Cyril. I am very fond of thick haze/fog like this, but I really like how the water appears to be iced in along the edges, leaving the trout only a narrow corridor down the center to break surface, and thusly underlining your title. Very nice! :)


7:55AM | Mon, 12 February 2001

This pic looks great!


8:56AM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Oh what an atmosphere!!


12:26PM | Fri, 06 July 2001

Bravo. Exactement le genre d'image qui motives les nouveaux fans de VUE, comme moi-me ;-)

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