A journey into anothers mind can be quite fascinating. I hope you enjoy your journey into mine :) It is so unfortunate when you let another into your life and their sole purpose is to destroy you. Have faith in your heart, pick up the peices and move on with your life. The sun always rises, and there will always be another beautiful day ahead of you :) Peace, love, and joyous harmony to you all :)
I am an artist. I am here to live out loud :)
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Comments (21)
Alot of peole would find her skin hidious. I thinks it gorgeous it helps tell a story. And I love your poses!!! They are wonderful.I dont have to pose any more . Is this package going to have alot of poses? Im going to have to get it also:D Thank you for all of your Great work!! Yours, ~Melvin
This isreally gorgeous Fyrene. I love her texture. Just beautiful. The pose is very delicate! Excellent work hun. Big Hugz
Wowzers... looks awesome :o) Thomas
Fantastsic a great piece of Art linda I love all in this and you are a real artist well done bye bye a kiss Orietta
Nice work, love the texures and bump...Yd
Cool! I like the effect of her spitting out the stuff. The spines are great, too!
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Excellent artwork ... love the pose and textures ... awesome ! :)
Very nice work Fy, excellent texturing... great pose and lighting... love it...:-)
Wow, this is so creative...love that pose and set...beautiful work!
Good lords Hun! This is just magnificent!! I love the scream!! Bravo Fy!!!
Terrific piece of art. Excellent!
Whoaaa! That's fantastic! Great work
This is something you dont see everyday! fantastic work!
Wow !!!!! this work is incredible !!!!!Very original and well done!!!! Bravissima bye Debby ^_^
Fantastic image! The textures are amazing and the posing is excellent - I love those silver boots! Great work :)
What a lovely rip-off! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0929643070/ref=lib_dp_TFCV/104-9248654-1495919?v=glance&s=books&vi=reader#reader-link
@scottm: I guess you are one of those kinda guys who is using fake usernames to flame other artists. Many artists here at RO or elsewhere creating images they are inspired by the masters :) Get a life :))
Unique and incredible. Love this.
The Power of Imagination !! So strange and so perfect
For twenty that see and speak of a fantastic work,such as this...several other hundred stupid mutes pass by...Perhaps they confirm what I suspect-envy!!!V