I've loved creating all my life.
Sounds so cliché I know, but it's true. I love many types of mediums, as well as just doing something creative like writing, refinishing furniture or trying our a new recipe. Anything that let's me have fun and find ways of exploring my world in new & interesting ways.
I'm a self confessed amateur photographer
I'm not a professional photographer. I'm as amateur as can be, but I do so love to take photos and always have. I love to view the world through a lens. I love how it narrows my view to the one thing I'm concentrating on in the universe at that very moment in time. It's just me and the object I see in the view finder and nothing else. I love the peace and solitude of taking photos and I love to see the world in new and different ways.
"To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour." ~~William Blake
Comments (13)
Mel3d Online Now!
you are right.very nice image and it's the reality thanks for remind.
Yeah, who cares about all the people who died in Afghanistan and soon Iraq. Freedom... PAH!!
If I give this like four excellents will it balance out the low rankings from assholes like daeve, probably not, beautiful tribute, excellent+++++++++++++++++++!
Nice picture. Give her darker skin and black hair and multiply the graves by thousand and you can repost the picture with iraqi flags. :/
Excellent picture. Don't let the nay-sayers get to you.
Great pic.. I must admit im all for this war! (Not too many other Canadians feel that way I guess). But i too wish there to be as little blood shed as possible.. God Bless Canada and ALL ITS FRIENDS!!! = Keep on going USA, your doing the right thing!
Don't let them get to you, this is a wonderfull tribute! I don't comment much, but i just wanted to elt you know you aren't alone :)
No, ok, I've changed my mind (author will know what I'm talking about). I'm completely AGAINST this war, and I think it's criminal, violent and completely unjustified... but this is a truly beautiful image and a wonderful tribute to your ideas -- so different than mines -- and I simply can't stand this low ranking due to different views and not to the image realization. You have my excellent.
exellent pic and a great tribute!
Truly a sad reminder of our humanity both goodness and evil. Excellent work!
although it takes tragedy to remind people im sure this piece means alot all across america right now
I agree, I don't comment more because it's a very delicate subject. But you create an awesome image. Beautiful work !
My opinion about whether the war is good or bad is not the issue. Your image is truely a tribute to all those lost and those who have lost. Thank you for reminding us the price paid for freedom.