I've been married for to the same man for 49 years. :O) We have 3 children, 2 living and the middle daughter died in 1998. I have 2 Grandchildren, a girl 10 and boy 8. From my youngest daughter and her husband. And One Son, who just married for the first time 2 years ago.They have two cats Bella and Koz.
I've enjoyed art work all my life. Renderosity is my art home.
I enjoy mystery books, My Cat Ceci who likes to shut down my computer.
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Comments (25)
LOL, now this is priceless. How cute.. Francis is going potty. Great job on this hon, I love it.
lololol Atleast we know its a male pig! Great Image!
LOL now i have seen everything excellent pose and do i see a bit of expression on his face. excellent :)
OK, count me surprised. This is great.
What a civalized pig!!! hehehehehe
Now, I do love this pig, and this is incredibly funny, BUT, I'm amazed that as of this moment, Francis has more comments that the beautiful Chiquita!!! She's going to be very upset! LOL! You are so funny!
This is fun thank you for making a big smile on my face :)
LOL sure i can see, she is a female, she reads a novel instead of national geographics, this is adorable Leah :)
This is just too adorable, Leah!!!
ilona Online Now!
hehe The best image Ive seen today! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny image :) Excellent work Leah!
Hey this is cute, I had to laugh at the vision of a little pig using a toilet with his pants around his feet. Just wonderful. Jan
Catharina Przezak
:) nice!
So coooool! I love Francis and Martin. Thanks for the giggle.
lol!!!!!!!!! It's too much!!!!! This is too funny!!!!
This is too cute!!!!!! Pigs can actually be housetrained, too. They are smarter than German Shepherds on the IQ list of animals....(or so they say...LOL) I got a good laugh out of this one.
I heard those pigs were smart! Cute!
This is way too adorable... who would have ever thought of a little piggy learning the ways of the human bathroom, book and all! Wonderful!!!
Excellent work, love this new serie of Francis!:)
Will you people puh lease give the guy a moment alone??Sheesh....lol,great pic girl-sincerely hilarious!!!
Funny! Considering pigs have 21 meters of small intestine and over 5 meters large intestine, this will be a very long wait for Nia before Francis is finished. No wonder the book! Just too darn cute. And, pigs are naturally houdebroken (ask those who have them as pets).
Wow that pig is trained better for the toilet than some husbands LOL Wonderful work! It's too cute.. LOL
(laughing) This is priceless
It is a very nice work and with an amusing sense of humor...!!!! excellent...!!
This is such a cute picture, sorry I never saw it before, better late then never....really charming, love your little piggy.