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Photography Animals posted on Sep 01, 2003
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Did not expect the background to be black on this one. As this shot was taken outside, And i waited till the sun was behind some clouds because i did not want the white of the bird to be overexposed due to the sun light shining on him. Probably should of got a few with the sun out also. Would really like to know your honest critiques of this shot. I think to date this is my best bird shot. Outside of resizing and very little sharpening & upping the color a bit. this is what the photo looks like. Oh and i edited out one small branch that came in from the left and into his neck area that i did not like. Keith...aka Hrlyrydr

Comments (6)


11:13AM | Mon, 01 September 2003

Actually I like the contrast with the dark background, which isn't black it's a dark green, and it looks beautiful. That's a handsome bird, great picture.


11:39AM | Mon, 01 September 2003

This shot is excellent, background is perfect dark green allowing the subject to stand out. Great compo, light, and DOF. Wonderfully done!


Ken _Gilliland

12:56PM | Mon, 01 September 2003

My Citron Cockatoo raised her crest at first glance at this image-- I guess that's a compliment ;)-- nice composition


1:30PM | Mon, 01 September 2003

Thanks all, I reworked it a bit took out the branch in the upper right and sharpened it some more as it seemed a little blured I guess due to the resizing and jpg format.



3:04PM | Mon, 01 September 2003

VERY nice shot, and the background is perfect



1:33AM | Wed, 03 September 2003

An excellent capture of this handsome guy. Beautiful composition. Love the way he stands out against the dark green background. Compliments!

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