Thu, Dec 19, 11:59 AM CST

My Source of Inspiration

Photography (none) posted on May 06, 2001
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Painter 6/Photoshop Howarth Wings Tree and leaves in Painter If you've seen my gallery images you might know that my son Jeff passed away a little over a year ago. He has been the source of my inspiration in healing from this tragic loss. I've been working on this image for quite some time and maybe it's still isn't done. I'm not quite happy with some elements although I can't pick out specifics. My favorite time of year is spring into summer. This is when the leaves fill out the trees and I can hear their sounds through my open window as the night breeze rustles them around. This is truly music and its sound can and has taken me on many journeys in my dreams.

Comments (5)


1:01AM | Mon, 07 May 2001

beautiful,lisa... my heart goes out to you....


4:18AM | Mon, 07 May 2001

Very nice work :) The time and effort you put into this payed off and has probably brought you further along in the healing process :)



6:13AM | Mon, 07 May 2001

Agree with Jayseaka, I think its a great tribute, and that he is very near you in spirit, and knows of your love for this time of year. Me too Lisa, I sleep by the open window at night, and listen for all the little sounds.


7:25AM | Mon, 07 May 2001

Yeah, beautiful tribute..


10:22PM | Wed, 09 May 2001

Very nice image Lisa, you are always in my thoughts... I wouldn't change a thing...

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