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Mixed Medium Atmosphere/Mood posted on Oct 24, 2003
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An excerpt from The Awakening... I know it's out of context, but it's how I feel right now... "A time comes in your life when you finally get it... when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out - ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on." Those that know me, know that I've been a little off lately. Not in a totally bad way, just not my usual self. In all honesty, I've never felt so weary and tired in all my short 26 odd years. The problem, in a nutshell, is that I've played Atlas for too many people for a little too long now without any respite for myself. I've carried their world and their worries as well as my own and it seems that when I do shrug to shift that burden a little (as in I have a little upset) it seems that some folks look at me as though I have no right to show any form of weakness and feel pain or any other human weakness. And quite frankly, I need to put some of it down... but how, when it seems that you are the sole anchor, the single solid rock that some cling to. So you are torn between your own needs, someone to carry you and ease the weight of your burden, but know that people rely on you and will stumble and fall under there own burdens if they did not have you to lean on... Anyway, this is just my release... I need to get this out of my system before I crack that little bit more than I can allow myself to. Digital Photo that has been photoshopped to death with an added tear...

Comments (11)


3:37PM | Fri, 24 October 2003

I feel for you...excellent image...males me wanna tear up.


4:31PM | Fri, 24 October 2003

how deep can u dig ... surely u'r doing your best, very emotional photoshopped to death with an added tear work, there is always an exit u know that don't u, hang in there!!!


4:59PM | Fri, 24 October 2003

Wow.. Truly excellent work, you've really captured deep emotion in this image. I hope you manage to sort your situation out. And i hope you confront the problem in life aswell as in your art.


5:35PM | Fri, 24 October 2003

a strong picture & also a strong message! in my eyes a bit too much photoshopped, but well, thats art. :)



6:05PM | Fri, 24 October 2003

I feel for you. I've had my moments this year too, not for the same reasons but even so it can feel like cracking under the strain, and getting lost in a fog. People have to realise that YOU matter as well, you can't just keep propping them up at the expense of yourself. Yeah, I know it can be difficult. You need to give yourself space to recharge, and... yeah... vent if you need to. Art is as good an outlet as any. It can be good therapy this way.
What I find most effective about this is the weight of your brow which spans the width of the image, symbolising the weight of your worries and cares... dark, heavy and foreboding. Very effective indeed. Also like your use of colour very much. Good work :-)


2:23AM | Sat, 25 October 2003

Hey, I'm no expert, but for a self-portrait you have done an excellent job. For a minute I thought I was looking at some enlarged detail from those Anime pix. Good work son, keep it up. methinks you shouls surripticiously let your boss see it - you never know what could transpire



2:25AM | Sat, 25 October 2003

You must treat yourself with the same care as you do to others.Your first responsibility is yourself, let that be the message you give to yourself through this image. No man is Atlas. As Jim says, the eybrow in your image feels like the burden on your shoulders. Powerful image, great expression in the eye and great colors.


8:16AM | Sat, 25 October 2003

I hurt with you. I've had to go through some similar times. All those who lead others do. All those who care for others do. FWIW someone helped me by telling me, "You are not God!" In other words it wasn't me who was their sole anchor. Bigger hands than mine were holding others up. I went through a lot of guilt in letting go - and I didn't let go completely (you still care, and you still help when you can) - but it was good. Good not only for me, but for those who I was concerned for. It caused them to reach out, to branch out, and to look up. It was hard - for them and me. But it helped. Not one of them has died or even worsened (in the long run). What did happen was incredible in some cases - one suicidal 17 yr old addict got cleaned up and turned his life around. He's now a 23 year old husband and father who says I saved his life (by letting go of him). There are other stories, but in short, keep caring and giving care, but anchor yourself to God and encourage others to make Him not you thier anchor as well. Blessings to you and thanks for a FANTASTIC Image!

Michelle A.

7:09PM | Sat, 25 October 2003

A beautifully emotive image....



4:11AM | Wed, 29 October 2003

Cheer up mate,smell the flowers,take a walk in the park,smoke a little weed!cuddleyour girlfriend,life is good,(great presentation on te pic)



8:39AM | Thu, 30 October 2003

I no words... wonderful work, deep words !

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