Thu, Dec 19, 11:59 AM CST

Lucky Strike

Photography Landscape posted on Jan 04, 2004
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Well it's not a particularly brilliant shot, but it's enough of a rarity for me to feel proud about capturing it... my very first lightning strike :) Taken on a recent trip to Johannesburg where they have some particularly beautiful electrical and normal storms. This was captured during one of those storms. I was on the upper floor of one of the buildings in the complex with a tripod, a fairly decent sized memory card, a fresh pack of batteries and some determination... I came down from that building a little damp, tired, eyes blurry from staring at the lcd too long and flat batteries. But I had it... Anyway, just me being all happy and stuff about this shot. Got some fire-chains dancing to upload as well but will need to do so over a few days or put on my website. We'll see... Leave your mark if you want to... C&C always welcomed...

Comments (8)


1:33PM | Sun, 04 January 2004

Good shot son. Patience has its rewards. I still think the transverse telephone/power line should be "removed". Seems to cut up the picture spoiling the effect, as the viewer's attention is drawn away from the subject (City skyline and electrical storm).


2:26PM | Sun, 04 January 2004

Wow! I think it's a great picture! Thanks for sharing! :-)



9:50PM | Sun, 04 January 2004

Cool picture. Looks good in B&W. Nice timing!


10:22PM | Sun, 04 January 2004

nice, i tend to stay away from high places during a lightning storm as i have been struck two times >.O


12:17AM | Mon, 05 January 2004

i've tried it & it's very difficult! congrats on this! :]


1:50AM | Mon, 05 January 2004

Sometimes patience pays off. Well done and you're right in beeing proud of your first lightning! :)



7:35AM | Mon, 05 January 2004

Very difficult to catch. You did it!



5:08PM | Wed, 07 January 2004

Its not easy to get these shots and belive me I have tried (unsuccesfully) They are unique so I dont think it matters if its not perfect. Well done "Grrr !"

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