Tue, Feb 11, 10:09 PM CST

Hyena Mech

Cinema 4D Science Fiction posted on Jan 05, 2004
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This is the primary result of an idea I had for some kind of a Hyena-esqe mech. The image below is a test render with a basic grime texture. I was if anyone had any comments or criticism. Thanks in advance!

Comments (5)


6:36PM | Mon, 05 January 2004

I think you have a great concept going. Good luck.



12:35AM | Tue, 06 January 2004

Looks pretty cool. The only thing I'd think of changing is making the feet a tad closer together. I sure know I wouldn't want to meet one in an alleyway by myself! Cool stuff.



6:31AM | Tue, 06 January 2004

well thats the nut cracker i always wanted :-)



1:02PM | Tue, 06 January 2004

I agree with Kixum on the feet (paws?), and try to keep the backlegs a bit more apart/wider stanced than the frontlegs to give the impression of force.



3:10PM | Tue, 06 January 2004

looking good so far, one thing though, if this meant to run around in a similar way to a cat or dog it would need to have a flexible spine, from what I can see it looks quite rigid, keep going :)

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