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Friend or Foe?

Poser (none) posted on Jun 05, 2001
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I've been away from creating lately and desperately needed to take some time for stress relief. (aka Poser ) I'm not totally sure I'm happy with the lighting here. I must have a dozen variations but finally was able to settle on this one. Victoria 2 as D~Mentia's FaeLyn rendered over a digital photo I took a few weeks ago. Wings by Thorne, texture by me and KPT FraxPlorer. Unicorn texture is one of D~Mentia's horse textures. Post work in Photoshop. Thanks for looking!

Comments (12)


2:39PM | Tue, 05 June 2001

Beautiful!!! The horse is ESPECIALLY lovely. Lighting is a good, but nicely done!! GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!! -- Lad (aka zerosu-san)


4:07PM | Tue, 05 June 2001

Hiya! Great image, Lisa! Not to keen on the way it's been blended with the photo, but the fey and the unicorn are exquisite!! Really well done! :o)


5:48PM | Tue, 05 June 2001

beautiful work!!



6:08PM | Tue, 05 June 2001

This is a beautiful graphic. Love all the detail and colors.



6:40PM | Tue, 05 June 2001

lovely! =) Wonderful colors...



2:05AM | Wed, 06 June 2001

great composite work. Beautiful image!


7:20AM | Wed, 06 June 2001

It's really good to have you back, Lisa! I missed your stuff. Love the light in this, and the way you've got the little creatures half-hidden in the foliage.



2:13PM | Wed, 06 June 2001

wow beautiful work Lisa, this is really excellent. I like the lighting in this.



10:03PM | Thu, 07 June 2001

beautiful wings texture! Very nice image!


4:30PM | Sat, 09 June 2001

gorgeous image Lisa can't beleive I missed it before...and I addore the 3rd faelyn hidding in the background, almost didnt see her :)...just that little detail alone makes this image priceless! great work as always :)


8:55PM | Sun, 01 July 2001

Great image Lisa, love the size ratio :)


2:20PM | Sat, 07 July 2001

Stunning artwork, Lisa, just stunning! Texture on the faeries are super, plant background super........WOW!!

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