Sat, Feb 8, 1:17 AM CST

.::Talon Of The Silver Hawk Cover::.

2D Illustration posted on Apr 20, 2004
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Here You have cover done by Yours trully, for Polish edition of 'Talon Of The Silver Hawk' novel by Raymond E. Feist (here alfready with titles - not sure will these be left in final print). This is first of a serie, so there will be more of those, in simple style, with centre, eye-cathcing focus point. Next one will be cool... :-))) Well, I hope You like it, and maybe will leave some comment/vote ... Till next time. Luke aka Ringwraith.

Comments (30)



11:26PM | Tue, 20 April 2004

wow if they don't keep the lettering they would be crazy and the Hawk awesome like the single focal point it is impressive



12:05AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

congratulations on all off your success!! It looks fantastic!! EXCELLENT!



12:20AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Excellent job..Great work..:-)



12:25AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Nice work Luke, congrats!



12:39AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

A VOTE well earned. :-) I can say little except my highest praise my friend. I Look forward to your next work. Dwayne



1:07AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Simple and yet very effective


1:13AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

I like your bookcovers. They are always very effective and always represent the title perfectly. Excellent artwork!



2:02AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Trully eye-catching! I hope the title stays that way, as the font fits perfectly...


2:34AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

oh I really like this! very classy and would definitely make me want to buy the book!



2:45AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

oh wow - a really eyecatching coverart - the eagle looks great!!! - congrats - im looking foreward to your next one!!!!



3:03AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Well... This is a nice cover... A very nice. But as a "i'll die for it" fan of Feist i think he deserves more... work :)


3:28AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Hey nice work, I should be able to read the cover coz' I was born in Warszawa (i think thats how to spell it) but I have long since lived in Australia so I can't. I am also a fan of Feist and I like the simplicity of the design.



6:52AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

the lettering certainly goes with that wonderful hawk! excellent work!


7:49AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Great work!And congratulations!!!!!


8:01AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Looks pretty good.



8:17AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Wow!! I've read several of his books!! Congrats on your commission work, Very well deserved!! Awesome++++++!!!


9:12AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

beautifully done, I love the font and the glow around the bird rocks!!


10:23AM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Interesting work.. glad you are getting paid for it.. that's the most important part!



1:07PM | Wed, 21 April 2004

It looks great Luke. I think you adapted the title perfectly in the imagery. Can't wait to see some more of these. I wish I could get some comission work :( hehe By the way, as you know a lil tied up at mo with stuff. But will talk to you soon about the site, as I'm gonna be redoing mine so will do them both at the same ok mate? Mike



7:42PM | Wed, 21 April 2004

Very simple - but so eye catching! Fantastic job! Can't wait to see the rest!



9:41PM | Wed, 21 April 2004

wooow very good love it


10:22PM | Wed, 21 April 2004

I love the silver font!!! You used some cool effects on it!!! The cover looks great!!!



7:01AM | Thu, 22 April 2004

Wonderful image. Great postwork.


9:55AM | Thu, 22 April 2004

Nice work. The cover is simple, but to the point, and I agree with the others here - the lettering is really well done! Congratulations on getting this comission. Blessings!



8:25AM | Fri, 23 April 2004

Like it, excellent done than ever my friend!!



7:09AM | Thu, 29 April 2004

Love it!!...plain n simple...the glow around the Hawk gives it a great impact!...lettering is just right...bravo my friend! continue to excell in your work with book covers....Excellent!!


9:26AM | Fri, 30 April 2004

Excellent work as always , very well done:-)


6:20PM | Sat, 05 June 2004

Your best book cover yet.


1:20AM | Wed, 30 June 2004

I love the strenght and writing. Very well done :)


7:27PM | Sun, 10 July 2005

Congrats, excellent.

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