Wed, Dec 18, 6:45 PM CST

White City

3D Studio Max Architecture posted on Jun 11, 2004
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This will probably be extended and detailed more later on. For now I will leave it as it is, as I have to move to some other things now. I've got quite an idea stuck in my head for this city. One frame took one and a half hours to render, with global illumination, antialiasing and at 2048 x 896 on a P4 2,5 Ghz. It has 2,5 millon polygons right now.

Comments (15)


12:40PM | Fri, 11 June 2004

Wow! Future Sim City! Great Scen you have done. I'm looking forward to the FINAL VERSION!



12:49PM | Fri, 11 June 2004

This is fascinating! So stunningly beautiful and massive.



2:01PM | Fri, 11 June 2004

Excellent Modeling.


7:08PM | Fri, 11 June 2004

Phew!!! That's really cool, but a LOT of polys and a LONG render. Can't you possibly trim down the overall number of polys with some displacement mapping tricks? Zbrush2 has really pushed the limits of taking models and boiling goemetry down from complex originals into more simple objects with an added displacement map created from the original complex one. I bet your city "roof bumps" (greebles, maybe?) could benefit from something like that and cut your render times. The other thought would be to do it in sections that don't interact much (like splitting across the river) and composite the pieces. Don't get me wrong, it looks great! Just trying to help.



7:36PM | Fri, 11 June 2004

Yeah! Love the density and depth of this. Servo has a good point. If you lower your polys you can use more texture maps! It's awesome as is, but some "dirtier" maps would take it to another level. Render on! :D



8:47PM | Fri, 11 June 2004

damn you 3DS owners.... one day I might have enough cash to get it.



9:28PM | Fri, 11 June 2004

yikes on the polycount but great effect nonetheless, some great models dotting that landscape and the water is fantastic! reminds me i have to do a city scene and soon. Very inspiring work and some texture variation would really complement this scene.. partially because everything looks too gray to me, but the rays of light are a particularly nice touch! but you are the artist, and do what you think is best- hope to see more from you soon :)(:


3:06AM | Sat, 12 June 2004

Excellent picture,my friend excellent


9:12AM | Sat, 12 June 2004

Thanks for the comments, people. :) The polycount is no trouble for me, really. I've got enough RAM to deal with it. The rendering times result from the GI. Without GI the same frame takes 15 minutes to render.


2:32PM | Sun, 13 June 2004



12:51PM | Mon, 14 June 2004

Where do I park? :)


2:35AM | Tue, 15 June 2004

Your a nutcase mate! (very cool)



3:11AM | Fri, 18 June 2004

I really enjoyed this, thanks



11:02PM | Tue, 25 January 2005

Wow !!! What an incredibly detailed and complete cityscape. Really damn fine work. Love to see more like this.



9:50PM | Sat, 29 January 2005

Phenomenal cityscape. I am deeply fascinated by this one. Kudos on a remarkable work my friend.

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