Sun, Feb 9, 3:16 PM CST

Seduction (WIP)

Poser Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jul 08, 2004
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Comments (13)



10:02PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

This is pretty good .the lighting is awesome and the pose are sweet too. Can't wait to see the finished version !!!



10:18PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

well youre off to an awesomne start man I think so far it is great! I can waigh to see the finished Product as well!



10:22PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

Freakin "A" AWESOME. I can't wait to see the finish. Fantastic work!


10:42PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

excelent my friend. i love vampire. superb work. cant wait to see the finish version.


10:46PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

Absolutly incredible. great lighting and the poses are great!


11:15PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

A lot would call this finished now! Trying to figure out what more there is...expanding the scene? Nice work!


11:29PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

Cool!! Looks great! The only thing I can think of is maybe curl her fingers into his back--like she has a "death grip" on him--maybe scratches there too?



11:43PM | Thu, 08 July 2004

Great lighting, very nice composition, beautiful artwork! -- B.B.



3:58AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

WoW! Brilliant light and I love her hair.. The textures and posing is fantastic. I can't wait to see the finished version.. Excellent work!



8:45AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

great scene with excellent lightning


9:54AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

an excellent picture with dark atmsphere. your femal charactere is very good, excellent work. have a good day



10:49AM | Fri, 09 July 2004

WOW! This is incredible! Don't look, just enjoy it! At least that is what I would say to him. Excellent image!


11:49PM | Sun, 01 August 2004

very good> But I wonder what your finished work will be.I notice it looks as though you plan to add more background as seen from the bottom portion that shows glimse of lighted area not completed on the upper half. Yet I also think if you do take away that darkness and add more sence it wouldnt quite capture your female's charater like it does now.LOL but you know what. I really I'm a novice who doesnt know much about this stuff. LOL LOVE IT

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