Thu, Dec 19, 12:12 PM CST

Sweetfaced Speed Demon

Photography Animals posted on Oct 22, 2004
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The Lanner Falcon is about the size of a Peregrine but is longer in the wing and tail and slimmer in the body so it looks less chunky. It also lacks the striking black-and-white face pattern of a Peregrine, since there is always lots of brown in the crown and the moustachial lobe is much less prominent. Lanners can also be mistaken for Saker Falcons but these usually look altogether more powerful with browner backs, white heads and, in adults, dark trousers. While not as fast as the Peregrine with her stooped dive, she is one of the worlds fastest horizontal flight raptors, often taking her prey from the front for additional velocity. I love these birds... most of the raptors actually. There is just something so majestic about them. Or perhaps it's the age old dream of man to fly with the eagles and share their world... Either way, they are, to me at least, magnificent.

Comments (11)



5:09AM | Fri, 22 October 2004

Awesome photographs and I love the way you put it together and the black and white. Well done.



5:29AM | Fri, 22 October 2004

Wow that is brilliant capture and postwork. Love it. Well done. VOTE


5:40AM | Fri, 22 October 2004

Truly magnificent! Great work, thanks for the info. V



6:23AM | Fri, 22 October 2004

Impressive capture !



6:48AM | Fri, 22 October 2004

Fantastic presentation with fabulous shots! Very impressive work!



7:09AM | Fri, 22 October 2004

Beautiful Falcon!! Superb captures! :)


1:05PM | Fri, 22 October 2004

they are most magnificent indeed!! wonderful collage! :]


2:55PM | Fri, 22 October 2004

absolutely sublime.. photography and compo... presentation and info... love the b/w... excellent...:)



5:09PM | Fri, 22 October 2004

I agree with you - magnificent!!!!!!!



1:37AM | Sat, 23 October 2004

awesom tim! i love this 'range' of photo's - can't wait to go there with you in november!


1:38AM | Sun, 31 October 2004

My you are getting good. Come to Jo'burg and visit the zoo. Just bring lotsa film or a large capacity Flashcard.

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