Tue, Feb 11, 7:48 PM CST


Poser (none) posted on Sep 02, 2001
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Client work, a special thanks to Elusion for the help and encouragement.. this actually ended up more of a team effort than my own in the end *s* .. I tend to be deathly afraid of color, but E refuses to let me get away with to much desaturating ..the cat gave both of us a major head ache .. boy that is one model that could use some work ..hope you enjoy .. Millennium girl , Victoria texture .. wall constructed in Bryce , as well as the sky, greenery in Painter 6.. the rest painted in Photo shop and Painter 6.

Comments (43)


10:52PM | Sun, 02 September 2001

Absolutely outstanding!


10:55PM | Sun, 02 September 2001

very well done

Little Red

11:17PM | Sun, 02 September 2001

Excellent work! Beautiful greenery and wall. I like the way she appears to be whistling for the bird.


Debbie M.

11:25PM | Sun, 02 September 2001

oh Laurie, this is magnificent work! I love the rich colors. The postwork here is most superb. Your work is always first class, and this piece is no exception. Thank you for this beautiful image in the gallery.


12:17AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

This is stunning. Looks like a painting from a children's book. I'm glad Elusion talked you into leaving the colors as they are. :o)


12:19AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

excellent work!!!!!!!


12:21AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

absolutley beautiful!



12:25AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Great work, Laurie. I think E is right... I wouldn't let you get away with desaturation either :) Nice Victorian touch to this image.



12:26AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

The color is terrific! Very nice picture. Looks like it's for an illustrated storybook?

Sacred Rose

1:00AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Exceptional Imagery Laurie!!!! I am so glad u took Elusions advice :)


1:19AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Its wonderful Laurie...but then it was ALWAYS wonderful - you are incredibly talented, and don't you dare forget it. The cat, btw, looks great, considering the horror that is the Poser Cat...great idea re lightening the entire face. However, you naughty artist you, you DID desaturate some more! Naughty! Thwap! Thwap! Thwap! I am going to send little cyber-elves to break the desaturate settings on your copy of Photoshop... ;-)



1:48AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

This is gorgeous, I love the cat.



2:30AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Right out of Alice in Wonderland! Outstanding!!!


2:43AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Wonderfull work a great scene and very well carried out good job


6:07AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

beautiful image, very nostalgic style, terrific portrait!


6:13AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

All your work is absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing and thanks for showing us that post work can make the image come alive. Beautiful work!



7:30AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Awesome work. The colors are beautiful and your postwork is excellent.


9:09AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Laurie S, this really is so beautiful, and should be in a published work somewhere. A sincere thank you for sharing this with us.



9:17AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Yup! You did a great job!



9:29AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Now how did I miss this one. She is adorable. The whole graphic is great.


10:14AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Adorably beautiful image! Great postwork... nice foliage and scenery... Very good!


11:07AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Ahh! It's here in R'osity. :) As I said over at IDD, this is fabulous work.


11:58AM | Mon, 03 September 2001

It's gorgeous!! She looks like Alice in Wonderland :o) I really love this image!!



12:33PM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Very nice render... It really looks like a painting !!!



12:40PM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Oh, this is excellent!



1:08PM | Mon, 03 September 2001

OMG! This is absolutely GORGEOUS! She reminds me very much of my little girl, Savannah! Lovely work, as always, Laurie! :)


2:02PM | Mon, 03 September 2001

Fabulous! I love looking at your images. You always put so much work and detail in them :)



2:22PM | Mon, 03 September 2001

This is fantastic


5:22PM | Mon, 03 September 2001




3:24AM | Tue, 04 September 2001

wonderful!!! the whole setting and compostion is so beautiful and just on the spot... you did more than well on this one, love it !! : )

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