Fri, Dec 27, 12:38 PM CST

Giancarlo Lucerni and Nathalie Masson

Photography Landscape posted on Jan 04, 2005
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A lot of you knows since some day's that my partner and great Love Giancarlo Lucerni is died one week ago.
He leaves an immense vacuum in my life, but will be always present in my heart and my thoughts. But Giancarlo will also leave a vacuum in the world of the photography and graphics.
I also wanted to thank all of you for all testimonys of friendships which reach me since you learned the sad news.
Your friendship is very invaluable for me, and also for two son's of Giancarlo Stefano and Davide.
Thank you with all my heart...
Nathalie Masson

Comments (11)


12:36AM | Wed, 05 January 2005

i remember this one!!... he was lucky to have you hugz



7:16AM | Wed, 05 January 2005

You look very proud to see him joyful. Now the answer is even more glorious. My friend Spirit1 is also a widow. She has been very constant.



8:20AM | Wed, 05 January 2005

Thank you for this photo of the two of you. He shall be missed by many.



10:41AM | Sat, 22 January 2005

We can only rejoice in his talents that we can always look at in the future My thoughts are with you and his sons



12:05PM | Wed, 16 February 2005

Attracted by... the mimosa... I went through your gallery and so learned the very sad news... It's good that you continue the artistic work ! Courage ! :~)


3:36AM | Sun, 27 February 2005

I agree with keep him alive in your words in each that way....



3:11PM | Sun, 06 March 2005

Photo bien rssi dans la suis surprise me du rultat;). Je te souhaite un chemin dont tu souhaites me si tu as perdu l're que tu aimais. Quelque fois on pense ne rien trouver de pareil mais un bon matin bien des choses peuvent changer ...:) Garde la vie et l'espoir en toi c'est ce qu'il te dirait probablement.Bonne journ Nathalie:)



2:26PM | Sun, 11 September 2005

Great framework to keep your beloved in memory! Hard to find that hole in your life.... Beautiful tribute, Nathalie!



9:50AM | Sat, 01 October 2005

How sweet it is!:) Cette photo de vous deux est geniale,et tres originale en son genre!Pas besoin d'explication sur celle-ci!Tu m'as l'air tres satisfaite et semble extremement fiere de voire ton gros "Bear" a l'oeuvre! Il avait visione a l'avance l'effect donnee, avant que la photo soit prise!Mais ce qu'il ne savait pas,c'etait comment avec amour et contentement tu l'observais du coin des yeux!Un moment tres special a mon avis!On louange souvant sur "RR" les fantastiques encadrements artificiel crees par les nombreux,et talentueux artistes,mais ils palissent a cote de celui-ci!Un somme,le parfait encadrement quoi!Bravo Giancarlo!Le "Grand Amour" n'a pas de subtitue Nathalie ,et tu le sais , Giancarlo le savait lui aussi! Pour lui,tu etais son plus grand cadeau,et il etait tres chanceux de t'avoire!Il faut celebrer une vie, sa vie,votre vie ensemble, meme si cela a ete d'une si courte duree,mais il te faut surtout vivre pour le present et le future maintenant! Ses oeuvres demeurent vivante,grace a toi,tu es son droit de succession Nathalie!Contuinues a nous faire voire ses grands talents,et ses oeuvres! J'aimerais tellement partager,et soulager ta peine ma chere,mais je n'y peu rien !Mes pensees sont avec toi et ses fils! Bon courage Nathalie! Gros bisous! :)



12:12PM | Sun, 16 October 2005

I'm just now seeing your gallery after seeing a comment you made on one of my images. I'm so sorry for your loss, my heart sank when I read your words, yet lifted up again by your spirit!



4:25PM | Tue, 12 September 2006

Cool remembrance and render. ;-)

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