Sun, Feb 16, 1:20 PM CST

The end of a city | GSO

Cinema 4D Fantasy posted on Feb 15, 2005
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And here my official first experience on a Cgtalk contest, The Grand Space Opera. It was a wonderful time and I have a lot of fun made this contest

Comments (9)


4:35AM | Tue, 15 February 2005

Great work! Wonderlful concept, very evocative ;)



6:46AM | Tue, 15 February 2005

no mistake - you're among the modeling gods :) Excellent image! I've also followed the link to the new challenge and i think the idea is great! the composition is well-balanced, in my humble opinions and the way i see it, it's gonna turn into one helluva pic ;) thanks for sharing that thread - very very useful for someone like me :) PS: i like the story concept... you know, how bout a novelette? a short story? hmm?? ;) i know work keeps you busy, but i wouldn't let such a great idea get away unwritten. :) Keep us posted on your progress!



7:28AM | Tue, 15 February 2005

Looks great, Julien! I loved watching this evolve :)



8:32AM | Tue, 15 February 2005

I can't even imagine how much patience and time something like this takes much less experience. I try my hand at modeling from time to time, and it's not easy so I think you're just WAY brilliant!



8:38AM | Tue, 15 February 2005

Excellent scene! Love the mood!



10:41AM | Tue, 15 February 2005

Love the great details you built into the disctruction of the buildings.



4:33AM | Wed, 16 February 2005

Wow...great :)



2:06PM | Thu, 17 February 2005

amazing work!



10:59PM | Fri, 25 February 2005

great work ^_^ everything looks good

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