Tue, Feb 18, 7:38 AM CST

The Seven Deadly Sins: LUST

2D Fantasy posted on Mar 30, 2005
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"Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body." About the symbolism: The color - I am aware of the fact, that according to some sources Lust is connected with blue. To me though, blue just doesn't do it - It's too "cold", and therefore I picked(surprise) red - connection with the color of flame, warmth. No I am not connecting lust with love The frame - uses the flame pattern... my thought-connections were: flame -> burning desire -> lust The waterfall - something rapid, unpredictable, not controlable :] The picture took me a long LONG time to finish, mainly because I have done 2 other versions which I was not satisfied with. Done in Painter7 and Photoshop CS in an uncoutable number of hours XD Hope you like it! Any feedback is aprpeciated :)

Comments (75)


11:51AM | Wed, 30 March 2005

OMG!!!!!!!!! M is is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!


11:57AM | Wed, 30 March 2005

It is absolutely gorgous. You are such a talented artist. Your pieces just blow me away. Fantastic job. I only wish I could vote more than once.


11:57AM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Using red was the right decicision... The waterfall.. the folds.. perfect painting.



11:58AM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Ohh..!! you are amazing my friend..!! very impressive image..!! you win... VOTE



11:58AM | Wed, 30 March 2005

this was very well worth the time that it took to do this. the mood is perfect and the waterfall is cool and the dress and the hair magnaninously wonderful.



12:01PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

This is absolutely lovely,Marta! Brava!! :)


12:06PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

I absolutely love this series you are working on, I can hardly wait for the next one... this is just beyond perfect and the time, thought, and effort you put in to it definately paid off Excellent artwork!!!



12:07PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

I completely agree with the connections you've made for this piece... a beautiful representation :)



12:07PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

OMG This is fantastic Adding it to favs Love the entire image and ohhhh the colors and background Nicely done Vote n hugs Susan~


12:08PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Wow, that's really gorgeous!


12:12PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Fantastic work :)


12:18PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

OMG this is positively BREATHTAKING!!! love the colors you've used and the dress is just FABULOUS and so is the entire image! gorgeous work!!! excellent done!!! bravo! vote :-)



12:20PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

mammy! i want to do pictures like that! wow.



12:34PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Breath-taking! Wonderfully expressive and beautifully done. Your work on her dress is amazing, and I love the waterfall. Exceptional!! {votes}



12:36PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Simply Amazing WONDERFUL!!!!! vote


12:43PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

How do you do that??? What kind of magic do you hold? Excellent work! keep going!



12:46PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Splendid job!!! I like the beuatiful graphic aspect and the palette of colors!!! Excellent environment and illumination!!!


12:49PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

She is fantastic and I agree red is much more suited than blue!! Excellent and a vote!! Bravo!!


12:55PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

it's a charming and romantic poster with a nice character and colors. have a good day



12:59PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Outstanding! I agree with you about the colour scheme. Blue just wouldn't cut it...I just love this series that you are doing and look forward to each and every one...They are all so spectacular!!!


1:01PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

this is breathtakingly beautiful in everyway!!!



1:13PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

magnificent.. your work always leaves me speachless, all i can do is look and be amazed.



1:22PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

I must say - Who needs Poser if you can paint like this :) Awesome work :D


1:24PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

OK feedback...well being my fav artist around here...you can guess I am gonna say this is amazing :O) I too agree about the red vs blue...blue just doesn't do it and reds are the only way to go :O) I love the waterfall and the hair...and OF COURSE the dress on this beauty...so when RU giving painting classes? Cuz I can't paint near this incredibly to save my life giggle Amazing composition....I especially love the detail work you do like the sparkles to the dress and the flowers...purely magical...AMAZING and VOTE :O)



1:51PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Fantastic work!


2:00PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Very fine work.


2:06PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Just Incredible


2:09PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

What else I can say? It's excellent! I saw your art at DA, didn't know I can find you here :). Perfect pose, fantastic details (that ornament!). Great job!



2:15PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

This is my favorite series and I have been waiting for this! I check every week, and I must say it's always worth the wait!! Your symbolism is fantastic and the thought and artistry that goes into your work is more than evident!! Absolutely stunning artistry here...I am always taken back with what you present in your beautiful images!! Your painting skills never cease to amaze me, as well as your creativity and perseverence!! Definitely well worth the wait and the countless oceans of time that took to create it!! Superb masterpiece once again!!!! VVVV*



2:15PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

Voted excellent!!!! Finally you did it!!! Great artwork! Waiting for the next of the deadly sins. Your fan Eibenschuetz

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