Fri, Feb 7, 11:53 PM CST

.:: Speed Of Dark Cover ::.

Poser Science Fiction posted on Apr 26, 2005
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Well my friends....after a very long brake, I'm back. This is my first upload since almost a year...please be gentle. What You see here is a cover for Elizabeth Moon's novel 'Speed Of Dark'. This book is great, as is its author and it was a great honour to do something for her once again. The novel itself won NEBULA award in 2003. Read it! As for technical things - I used a lot of stuff here: Poser 6, Photoshop CS, Painter 9 and Apophysis. First, as always I did couple of sketches on paper - later started working in digitals. Finished piece had almost 50 layers in Photoshop. I hope You all will like it and will leave Your opinion for which I am as always grateful. P.S. - I'm getting back to everyone now...Please be patient. Yours Luke aka Ringwraith

Comments (38)


8:13PM | Tue, 26 April 2005

excellent image


8:23PM | Tue, 26 April 2005

Luke! So good to see something new from you. As always your imagination has mind-blowing results! Incredible artwork!


8:45PM | Tue, 26 April 2005

Excellent;Your style is something that I enjoy looking at the wire framing with the skin texture superb. But i would like to know where did you get that awesome background is it fractals or mojoworld? I haven't got into those yet. I'm making sure that you get an excellent rating because that's what it is. Look forward to seeing more. T.



9:09PM | Tue, 26 April 2005

i knew there was talent here just didnt recognize the name... this is pure genius.. yes!! .. i bet you have been sorely missed you are clearly brilliant i am in awe.. SPURB work!... WOW a cover of a book... uh huh ... ok now i can see why hours were put into this ... speechless ... if isee the book i will buy it... this is going to my favorite images... WOW!! BIG VOTE!!



11:06PM | Tue, 26 April 2005

Well, it's great to see a new render, Pal!!! Congratulation on your work, and I hope you stick around for a while!!! This is really fantastic-I love the texturing and color!!! EXCELLENT!!!! V!



11:09PM | Tue, 26 April 2005

Welcome back Luke!! Still top notch talent. :-) a well earned VOTE in welcome Dwayne


4:19AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Superb image



6:01AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Good comeback! Nice to see something from You again :) Hope You won't disappear again for such a long time :) And it's a nice artwork You've done here (especialy the left part) :)))



6:35AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Welcome back my friend, excellent cover, I'm sure concepted close to the theme of the novel!



6:47AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

This is Excellent!! Welcome back! :o)



6:55AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Regards Luke, I'm sorta being forced into taking a break myself through bad circumsatnces. I won't elaborate here.. The image is fantastic, that background is very elegant as is the ude of cool tones throughout.I really like the line networks throughout as well. Happy creating Graeme



8:29AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

so was this cover actually used on the published book? I had a look on and there was something quite different shown there. Nice image overall though



8:44AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Holy cow! thats freakin awesome :D going on favs and an almighty vote too :D


8:45AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

The image You see is for new edition of this book, comming in one or two months.Thx all for comments.



9:51AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

You have all right to be proud! Very professional and interesting! It would make me pick up the book! Congrats!



11:24AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Fascinating and very creative cover. :Nice to see you back. :o) CC



11:58AM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Interesting design,face & realisation. My vote.Best regards,Mike.



12:09PM | Wed, 27 April 2005

Very interesting concept and great realisation: The background does not cloud the foreground, it pushes the face to the front. The eyes are mesmerizing. I'd certainly look around the bookshops in search for this one;)


7:58PM | Wed, 27 April 2005

X-E-LENT!!!...I love the artwork, congrats on the book cover!!..great to see you posting again!!



9:41PM | Wed, 27 April 2005

I can see why it take a year to do this lol[ just kidding] out of site real good V



3:36AM | Thu, 28 April 2005

Welcome back my friend great to see something new from you! Yes you can be proud of this one, it is a really, really great piece of cover ART!!!! I bet the author loved it. Hell a whole year has past, scary how fast time goes by well Im also not to much around lately, sure I try to upload some stuff regularly, but I just dont have enough time to comment on all the wonderful art in here as much as I want to :-( However good to see you back, hope you are fine and again congrats to this wonderful artwork


8:13AM | Thu, 28 April 2005

So glad to see something from you Luke hun,and this cover is outstanding,id always wanted to do book cover art after i did some Music cd artworks,you should be very proud of this hun,its fabulous,hugest hugs sweetie,Tx


9:30AM | Thu, 28 April 2005

Fantastic come-back Luke. Love to see your creative style back here once again!



7:10AM | Fri, 29 April 2005

Hi Luke :) Very nice to meet you; thanks for your note in my gallery; I just had to check yours out! This is a wonderful piece of Poser art... I own the program, but don't know a thing about it .. yet. I look forward to seeing the rest of your gallery. Have a great day !!! :)



10:23PM | Fri, 29 April 2005

Good to see you back!!! Amazing Artwork!!!! Congrats on doing a Cover!! You sure did an Awesome job on it!!


3:01AM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Perfect fantasy portrait! The author will love it! Uwe



9:12AM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Welcome Back Luke....You have certainly stepped up your game on this one...Excellent work...Thanks for sharing this with us..


3:02PM | Sat, 30 April 2005

Great job!! The eyes are really powerful! Wonderful work! Welcome back!



7:37AM | Sun, 01 May 2005

Fantastic cover and image.. The colors, face and textures are superb. Excellent work!!


12:10PM | Wed, 04 May 2005

nice work!

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