Thu, Feb 13, 5:28 PM CST

Morning Coffee

Blender3D Home posted on May 30, 2005
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Gotta have my coffee in the morning :D This is a re-working of an earlier project. Honest comments and critique are always welcome :D Thanks for looking! ~Nick~

Comments (11)



3:40AM | Mon, 30 May 2005

I like very much the bunch of keys, the soft shadow, the textures and Mr. steam. Maybe another framing and placements? ;)



12:44PM | Mon, 30 May 2005

Great to see you posting, Nick! :D The steam is great. I like the touch of a family pic in the keychain :) Also, the lighting gives the feeling of early morning. The only thing I would change is the POV... as it gives the feeling that the objects should be falling to the left. Great work!



10:01PM | Mon, 30 May 2005

Very nice work



4:54AM | Tue, 31 May 2005

The coffe machine is a bit too dark-it doesnt interact with the light! But after a mad struggle with Blenders material editor Im really happy with the quality. But: 1. The tiles look like a plastic imitation of tiles (Ive seen such one, by the way:) 2. The tiles are cut on the right end. This looks like a corner. In such case, they would be fit to the corner and cut at the left end of the wall. That`s all to be honest. You made very good materials, you rascal! :)


4:31PM | Tue, 31 May 2005

I don't think you've ever seen that type of shadow casting off your coffee machine... Way too early for you :) Great work!



4:07PM | Thu, 02 June 2005

Une tr belle image ! Jolie Modisation. Tr beau travail avec Blender ! Bravo !



2:13AM | Sat, 04 June 2005

Your materials are great! Composition-wise it's kind of boring and flat...try to keep things like the rule of thirds and eye movement in mind when you arrange your scene (although they're easy to forget :)



1:08AM | Mon, 06 June 2005

Thanks everyone for your helpful comments! It's always great to see suggestions on where I can improve :D



10:34AM | Mon, 13 June 2005

Nicely done....



10:08PM | Tue, 19 August 2008

well coz i love coffee so i make a comment on this one...u did great ..The steam is great and the keychain...i like it...S...



1:44PM | Sat, 23 August 2008

Excellent work, very good.

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