Aspiring artist, animator, and film maker... alwaysBIOI put the pencil down in 1994 out of sheer frustration. Picked up Fractal Design's Poser 1 shortly after, then Photoshop, then Dreamweaver, After Effects, etc. I graduated with a degree in Film Studies and got a job shortly there after as a Sr. Graphics Designer.
I focused on my art classes in high school, but otherwise I am completely self taught. It was playing with a "no name" image editor that landed me a job in creative (advertising) at a small news paper in Burlington, North Carolina. During my few months there I was mentored by my Art Director (a great artist). It was at the paper that I really learned Photoshop.
Poser 1 was a novelty to me. I purchased it to create reference models for my illustrating... having lost interest in illustrating, I only dabbled in it. The most I did with it was a very simple key framed animation for a Multimedia class, posing and rendering images in sequence, and then compositing them together in a flipbook animation (i.e. like animated GIFs). Although I followed the development of Poser (Fractal Design to MetaCreations to Curious Labs), I didn't get back into it until MetaCreations released Poser 4... HONESTLY, I still feel as if I'm just beginning.
I'm extremely admiring of many artists here at Renderosity (I wont name any for fear of leaving someone out). My favorites folder is filled with member galleries. Now that I'm back in the creative business doing the Ads and directing the corporate image of Convacent, these artists are beginning to create small fires of inspirations inside of me. I very seriously would like to move my art and craft to a new level, a much higher level.
I'm just beginning a renewed focus on fine art, experimenting with dramatic poses and lighting. To be absolutely honest, it's embarrassing. I'm so admiring and envious of the fine art pieces produced here in the Renderosity community.
I have a lot to learn!
Outside of rendering, I am an avid film addict. I scrutinize film as art, and often see an inspiring film many times (even in the theatre). I love independent film, foreign film, animation, epics, dramas, etc. I find little entertainment in cheap B-Action flicks, BUT love almost all of the Brat Packs films.
My degree was strongly focused on theory and criticism, so I had very little opportunity and experience with production. I desperately want to get back to producing, and hope to in the next year or so. I dream of going back for a Masters in Computer Arts at the Savannah College of Art and Design, focusing my studies on Animation, Effects, and Compositing with the school's film students.
- JAB*
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Comments (8)
Nice..who's going to direct the movie...? LOL
They look Cool! Reminds me of cartoon/movie heroes.
I have two specific questions if anyone can help: Is the image TOO busy? I obviously tried to create a sense of info overload, but I don't want to go overboard! Does anyone have any screen to printer (RGB to CMYK) tips they can share. When I flatten and print the image the colors muddy a bit. Transmissive (i.e. monitors) vs. reflective (i.e. prints) color I guess... give ida name, right?!
You might want to try darkening the background a bit if you're worried about it being too busy, give some more contrast between the light suits and the light background. For printing ... re-render, making sure you set the DPI/PPI to at least 250 instead of 72. 72 is what your monitor will "see" but for printing, higher is better and will really pick up the image detail. Try not to use JPG compression as well, save as a BMP if you can, or drop your compression to no more than 10% (preferably less to stop pixelation).
I like the background better now that it is a bit darker. And I'm very flattered you decided to keep Jae in the image S Great work! Wish I could print this postersize S
I love Jae! She has a great attitude and is always a pleasure to work with. ;) This image is a beast! It's 300dpi, intended for print at 8.5" x 11". Total, with layers uncompressed, the image is over 800MB and completely maxed out my RAM (1GB). I can only imagine producing an image at poster size!!! Any tips on preserving color in print?
Very cool...Great characterization and post...
Mighty Lingster
I think Jae was overshadowed by the additional Asian morphs that became available with V2, which is a shame. She's really got a beautiful face, especially around the eyes, and the textures and lighting that come with her are really good. There's something intelligent and sexy about her that is missing from the standard DAZ Asian morphs.