AJ Corridors

3D Models released on Nov 21, 2013
AJ Corridors by N/A

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This product is the second part of CORPORATION series. It is the big area in sci-fi style which can help you to create your pictures. «Corridors» package contains one composite figure consisting
of 14 parts: Corridor Base, Right Side, 6 left gate sides and 6 right gate sides. All gates can be open and closed. Just select needed part of the figure and then you'll be able to move it using corresponding slider. The visibility of each part of the figure can be turned off if needed.
I plan to create several products of this type, which will be combined with each other and will be united by the common name of the series - CORPORATION. And this "Corridors" is the next (2-nd) part of series. "Corridors" figure consists of 3 areas - central part and 2 rounded corridor. Details you can see in the promo-images.
I hope that you will be able to realize your ideas and fantasies using this product and I sincerely wish you this.
Use Image Based Lighting ( IBL ) and increase Shadow Blur Radius, Shadow Samples and Shadow Min Bias in light Properties tab of Poser application for other non-IBL lights. Combine this parameters to achieve best rendering results.
Before using this product in your scenes, please, disable from Poser menu: Display-Ground Shadows and Display-Guides-Ground Plane.
Product includes fully mapped geometry (*.obj) file in Geometries folder.
Use Poser 6 or above version of Poser application.

Price: $11.20 USD

6976 13

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