The Fan Dress for V4, A4, S4 and G4

3D Figure Assets released on Dec 27, 2013
The Fan Dress for V4, A4, S4 and G4 by N/A

Base Figures:
Victoria 4
Victoria 4 Morphs ++, Aiko 4, Girl 4, Stephanie 4
Available Uses:

The Fan Dress is an unusual anime inspired outfit with four conforming parts and one extra fan figure.
It comes complete with two full texture sets.

The bottom part of the skirt figure can also be used in dynamic simulations; please consult the included readme files for detailed instructions.

In the Editorial tab you will find more detailed images of this product.

What you get:
* conforming leotard
* conforming skirt
* conforming obi
* conforming headpiece
* fan figure

Included morphs on the conforming pieces:
V4 Headpiece
* Size
* Hide big Fan
* Hide small Fan

V4 Leotard
* FBMA4AikoBody
* FBMA4AikoPetite
* FBMA4Realistic
* FBMA4Stylized
* FBMS4Stephanie
* FBMS4Caitlyn
* FBMS4Isabelle
* FBMUtopianBody
* FBMSylphBody
* FBMAmazon
* FBMBodyBuilder
* FBMDefinition
* FBMFitness
* FBMThin
* FBMVoluptuous
* FBMYoung
* FBMBulk
* PBMBellySmooth
* PBMBellyThickness
* PBMBellyThin
* PBMBreastsCleavage
* PBMBreastsCleavageWidth
* PBMBreastsDiameter
* PBMBreastsFlatten
* PBMBreastsImplant
* PBMBreastsLarge
* PBMBreastsSize
* PBMBreastsPerk
* PBMInhale
* PBMTummyOut
* PBMWaistWidth
* PBMNeckThickness
* PBMShouldersThickness
* PBMTorsoThickness
* PBMStomachDepth
* PBMGlutesSize
* PBMGluteRaiseL
* PBMGluteRaiseR
* Breast Bottom
* Breast Inside
* Breast Outside
* Breast Top
* Buttocks
* Crotch Down
* Crotch Front
* Hip Joint Front
* Hip Side
* Lower Back
* Lower Side
* Neck
* NeckBack
* Outer Chest
* Ribs
* Trapezius
* Upper Chest
* Upper Leg
* Upper Side

V4 Obi
* FBMA4AikoBody
* FBMA4AikoPetite
* FBMA4Realistic
* FBMA4Stylized
* FBMS4Stephanie
* FBMS4Caitlyn
* FBMS4Isabelle
* FBMUtopianBody
* FBMSylphBody
* FBMAmazon
* FBMBodyBuilder
* FBMDefinition
* FBMFitness
* FBMThin
* FBMVoluptuous
* FBMYoung
* FBMBulk
* PBMBellySmooth
* PBMBellyThickness
* PBMBellyThin
* PBMBreastsCleavage
* PBMBreastsDiameter
* PBMBreastsFlatten
* PBMBreastsImplant
* PBMBreastsLarge
* PBMBreastsSize
* PBMBreastsPerk
* PBMInhale
* PBMTummyOut
* PBMWaistWidth
* PBMNeckThickness
* PBMShouldersThickness
* PBMTorsoThickness
* PBMStomachDepth
* PBMGlutesSize
* PBMGluteRaiseL
* PBMGluteRaiseR
* Breast Bottom
* Breast Outside
* Hip Joint Front
* Hip Side
* Lower Back
* Lower Side
* Outer Chest
* Ribs
* Upper Chest
* Upper Side
* L Ribbon taper
* R Ribbon taper
* Hide Bowribbons
* Hide Fans
* Hide Sidefans
* plus multiple control dials in the BODY of the Obi to move both tail ribbons

V4 Skirt
* FBMA4AikoBody
* FBMA4AikoPetite
* FBMA4Realistic
* FBMA4Stylized
* FBMS4Stephanie
* FBMS4Caitlyn
* FBMS4Isabelle
* FBMUtopianBody
* FBMSylphBody
* FBMAmazon
* FBMBodyBuilder
* FBMDefinition
* FBMFitness
* FBMThin
* FBMVoluptuous
* FBMYoung
* FBMBulk
* PBMBellySmooth
* PBMBellyThickness
* PBMBellyThin
* PBMBreastsCleavage
* PBMBreastsDiameter
* PBMBreastsFlatten
* PBMBreastsImplant
* PBMBreastsLarge
* PBMBreastsSize
* PBMBreastsPerk
* PBMInhale
* PBMTummyOut
* PBMWaistWidth
* PBMTorsoThickness
* PBMStomachDepth
* PBMGlutesSize
* PBMGluteRaiseL
* PBMGluteRaiseR
* Hip Joint Front
* Hip Side
* Lower Back
* Lower Side
* Outer Chest
* Ribs
* Upper Chest
* Upper Leg
* Upper Leg Outside
* Upper Side
* Front length inner
* Front length outer
* Front lift inner
* Front lift outer
* Front squeeze inner
* Front squeeze outer
* Back length inner
* Back length outer
* Back lift inner
* Back lift outer
* Back squeeze inner
* Back squeeze outer
* Back length inner
* Back length outer
* Back lift inner
* Back lift outer
* Back squeeze inner
* Back squeeze outer
* L length length inner
* L length length outer
* L length lift inner
* L length lift outer
* L length squeeze inner
* L length squeeze outer
* R length length inner
* R length length outer
* R length lift inner
* R length lift outer
* R length squeeze inner
* R length squeeze outer
* plus multiple control dials in the BODY of the Skirt to move ghost bones in the skirt

Price: $12.95 USD

9927 11

Price: $12.95 USD

9927 11