Hadley is a sweet high quality character for Victoria 4 and Aiko 4
In order to use Hadley you need the following products:
Victoria 4:
Aiko 4 Base:
This package includes:
1 Head INJ/REM
1 Body INJ/REM
1 Mat complete
7 Eye options
7 Lipsticks
7 EyeShadows light without liner
7 EyeShadows dark with liner
3 Material options:
Poser 6+ (.pz2)
Poser 9+ SSS (.pz2)
DAZ3D Studio (.duf)
Promo Credits:
Toolgirl and Cowboy Sweetheart by Badkittenco. not available anymore
ValenTina Hair by SWAM @ DAZ3D
Kerkyra Hair by 3Dream @ DAZ3D
Bracelet and sunglasses from the Teen Ashley set by 3DUnivers @ DAZ3D
Amy Hair by Littlefox @ RuntimeDNA
For items available at Renderosity, please look under the Promo Credits tab.