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Operating Systems:
Windows 98 , Windows XP , Windows 7 , Windows 8
Magical, Mystical, or Leader power, the different manifestations of the power on other men are available in this dynamic set of manly poses and expressions !
Power for M4 contains:
_ 30 poses + 30 mirror poses + 1 reset pose for M4
_ 10 expressions + 1 reset expression + 1 reset for the eyes position (zeroed eyes)
PC compatible, non tested on mac.
The set has been tested in Poser 8, 9, pro 2012 and DazStudio 3 and 4.6
Requirements : Michael 4 (Daz)
Not included : characters, hairs, outfits, accessories, effects.
Credit for the promotional images :
Achaius shirt for M4 by cocco (RMP)
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