Simply click the breast inj you like or combine with different partial injs or custom nipples.
† What's different!
• The zero poses will not remove the morphs they will only zero them. Zero all will inject all the breast morphs at 0.
• 3 custom nipples
All Custom Nipples Inj will inject 3 custom nipples at 0. Individual custom nipples have also been included.
Having all the dials always available allows you to alter the breasts, custom nipples, sternum, cleavage and/or nipples whenever you want.†
The sternum width has been included. The sternum is quite important for a realistic looking breast.
• Breast Poses: These poses may need manual adjusting depending on which breast inj you choose to use in your scene ie: larger breasts will hang lower than a smaller breast and will require the breast/breasts to be raised a little (BreastupL/BreastupR).Since the dials are present this should be very simple to do.
• Zero Nipples
• Zero Cleavage
• Zero Breasts
• Zero Sternum
• Zero All (does not include the custom nipples)
• 11 Position Poses for the breasts (inj + Rem) + Default
-Arms Up
-Lay Back
-Lean Forward
-Lean Left
-Lean Right
-Lean Left side
-Lean Right side
-Nipples Down
-Sit Lean Forward
• 2 objects
• 2 morphing smart props:
-Breast Charm Holder Left
-Breast Charm Holder Right
• 14 Textures including maps
• MAT Poses for the holders:
-4 for the Pretty shaped Holder
-4 for the Bone shaped Holder
• Poser 5+ Materials: 26
• Poser6+ Materials
• Utility Poses:
-Make Bone L + R
-Make Pretty L + R
• Templates
Only breast morphs + sternum width (upper torso) morphs have been used in the injections. These morph injections will not affect any other part of V4's body.
Bonus Breast Charm Holders: Manually attach any charm you have, earrings too or use them as they are.
The props are smart propped to V4 at Default + Custom nipple. After injecting a breast morph you will need to manually reposition/scale them. It's really fast and easy.
The holders also have a change dynamic morph that will change the bone into a prettier bow-like object if you prefer. Each shape has 4 different styles and Mt5+ materials to create your own style.
All the Natural products can be used together creating new bodies of your own.
Please be sure to read the Read-Me for details and to get the most out of this product.
Required: DAZ's V4 & V4++ Morphs
†This pack has not been tested in DS.†
Rendered in Poser Pro 2010
Click on the Editorial Tab if you want to see the MATs included for the charm holders.
† Figures, character textures, hair & full body poses are not included.†
Thank you for your interest in my products.
Promo credits:
• Character textures:
- by DMR
- by Godin
- by P3D
• Peek V by 3D-Age
• Hi Tide 2 by nirvy
• Butterfly Kisses by 3D-Age
• Passions VII by nirvy
• OOH! II by 3D-Age
• Hi Tide 5 by nirvy
• Bad Girl II II by 3D-Age
• Cruisin by nirvy
• Poses by Danie
• Moira Hair by 3Dream & Mairy
• Yes, this is Moira by nirvy
• Natural packs by nirvy
• Lights by Fabiana
To use this product as a Resource please see the Read-Me.