Strap Maker

Software released on Dec 21, 2014
Strap Maker by N/A

Operating Systems:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Available Uses:

A small standalone utility with the same style as "RopeMaker", this time for creating strap or belt meshes.
You can adjust several parameter for creating different shapes of straps or belt meshes.
Once created the mesh you can export it in Wavefront obj file format and then you can import the created obj with your favorite 3D program.
You can work iteratively exporting and importing, changing parameters until you achieve the right shape in the right place.
This application only requires PC and Windows (any version) that can be 32 or 64 bits.

Easy to use. No serial number, no key required, no activation, no Windows Registry used and no installers. Just unzip and run or even run inside the zip file.


Price: $12.00 USD

2410 9

Price: $12.00 USD

2410 9