Jasmina's All For Alyson 2 - Full Morph (587) with Bonus Underwear

3D Figure Assets released on Feb 13, 2015
Jasmina's All For Alyson 2 - Full Morph (587)  with Bonus Underwear by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Poser 2012+ with Alyson 2 Installed.
Available Uses:

Jasmina's All For Alyson 2 Morph (587) with Bonus Underwear (Alyson 2)

Huge Body morphs set (587 morphs with injection poses) for Alyson 2 Character distributed with Poser 2012+. Bonus underwear set compatible with new morphs included in this set.

Package Content :

Geometrical Figures : 2 (Bra & Panty with new morphs included. All morphs are automatically adjusted when conformed to releated figure. Just you need to select character before loading the figures)
Injection Morph Files : 17 (New injection morph files for Alyson 2 driven with pose files)
Dial Shaper pose file : For dial reorganisation (Located in Geometries directory)
Poses for morph inj/rem : 40 (For injecting 587 morphs)
Python for injection : 6 (Under Pose library of the product)
Poses for texture mats : 27 for Bonus underwear

Automorphing Function: Figures loaded to Poser are autmatically morphs together with V4. Just use morph dials of the V4 and all items automatically change.

Morphs in this set are designed to be used as single morph, by the way you may combine them to have different views of the products. Some moprhs may cause distortion in case of multiple morph usage.

Bonus set has a morphs of new set included in this package. Standard morphs of the Alyson 2 are not supported.

Morph set also has man body and face morphs for different usage. Math poses will allow you to inject all /partial amount of the morph set and remove them if necessary. There is also math pose to inject / remove original Alyson 2 morphs as well.

Morph set of Alyson 2:


Character (92):


Expressions (46):

(X)-MouthAfraid, (X)-MouthOops, (X)-MouthOpen, (X)-MouthOpenRound, (X)-MouthOpenSmile, (X)-MouthSmile, (X)-MouthSmileLeft, (X)-MouthSmileRight, (X)-MouthSure, (X)-MouthWideSmile, (X)-EyesClosing, (X)-EyesCurious, (X)-EyesSleepy, (X)-EyesSquared, (X)-EyesTriangled, (X)-Afraid, (X)-Angry, (X)-Carefull, (X)-Contempt, (X)-Crazy, (X)-Cry, (X)-Disgusted, (X)-GoBack, (X)-Good, (X)-Happiness, (X)-IamSorry, (X)-IdontBelieve, (X)-IwillRemember, (X)-JawMoveLeft, (X)-JawMoveRight, (X)-Ooooo, (X)-Opps, (X)-Pain, (X)-Pheeew, (X)-Probably, (X)-Rage, (X)-Really!, (X)-Sexy, (X)-Shocked, (X)-SoFunny, (X)-SoSad, (X)-Strange, (X)-Surprised, (X)-ThatsOK, (X)-Unbelievable, (X)-Wooooww

Face-Styles (18):

(FA)-Circular, (FA)-Flat, (FA)-ForeheadFlat, (FA)-ForeheadShape, (FA)-ForetheadBig, (FA)-Grow, (FA)-Heart, (FA)-Heavy, (FA)-Longer, (FA)-LowerDepth, (FA)-MiddleInner, (FA)-Older, (FA)-SidesIn, (FA)-Size, (FA)-UpperWrinkle, (FA)-UpperWrinkleL, (FA)-UpperWrinkleR, (FA)-Younger

Lacrimals-Lashes (5):

(LL)-LacrimalsInner, (LL)-LashesLonger, (LL)-LashesSideOut, (LL)-LashesLowerCurl, (LL)-LashesUpperCurl

Tongue&Teeth (11):

(T)-TongueFrontDown, (T)-TongueFrontUp, (T)-TongueMidUp, (T)-Teeths&TongueFrontBack, (T)-Teeths&TongueUpDown, (T)-LowerTeethRotate, (T)-LowerTeethsFrontBack, (T)-LowerTeethsUpDown, (T)-UpperTeethRotate, (T)-UpperTeethsFrontBack, (T)-UpperTeethsUpDown

Chin&Jaw (11):

(CJ)-ChinBigger, (CJ)-ChinCrease, (CJ)-ChinMidInner, (CJ)-ChinOut, (CJ)-ChinWider, (CJ)-JawAngle, (CJ)-JawBigger, (CJ)-JawLower, (CJ)-JawShape, (CJ)-JawSidesBigger, (CJ)-JawSidesSmaller

Cheeks (13):

(CH)-AirFill, (CH)-BlowOut, (CH)-EyeLines, (CH)-Height, (CH)-Inner, (CH)-Lines, (CH)-LowerBig, (CH)-NoseLineL, (CH)-NoseLineR, (CH)-NoseLines, (CH)-Shape, (CH)-SideSize, (CH)-SideWidth

Mouth (19):

(MO)-MouthCornerDepth, (MO)-MouthCornerHeight, (MO)-MouthHeight, (MO)-MouthMoveL, (MO)-MouthMoveR, (MO)-MouthOpen, (MO)-MouthSideLIn, (MO)-MouthSideRIn, (MO)-MouthSidesIn, (MO)-MouthSize, (MO)-MouthSneer, (MO)-MouthSneerL, (MO)-MouthSneerR, (MO)-MouthWidth, (MO)-SmileLeft, (MO)-SmileMore, (MO)-SmileRight, (MO)-SmileSimple, (MO)-SmileWide

Lips (37):

(LI)-Shape01, (LI)-Shape02, (LI)-Shape03, (LI)-Shape04, (LI)-Shape05, (LI)-Shape06, (LI)-CenterOpen, (LI)-FrenchKiss, (LI)-Kiss, (LI)-PartialOpen, (LI)-SidesDown, (LI)-BotEdgeDown, (LI)-BotEdgeHeight, (LI)-BotMidDown, (LI)-BotShape, (LI)-BotSidesShape, (LI)-BotSize, (LI)-BotThicker, (LI)-BottomInOut, (LI)-BottomInOutL, (LI)-BottomInOutR, (LI)-BottomUpDown, (LI)-BottomUpDownL, (LI)-BottomUpDownR, (LI)-TopCurve, (LI)-TopDepth, (LI)-TopEdgeShape, (LI)-TopEdgeUp, (LI)-TopMidDown, (LI)-TopMidHeight, (LI)-TopShape, (LI)-TopSidesShape, (LI)-TopTicker, (LI)-TopUp, (LI)-TopUpDown, (LI)-TopUpDownL, (LI)-TopUpDownR

Eyes (54):

(EY)-OpenIt, (EY)-OpenItL, (EY)-OpenItR, (EY)-SemiClose, (EY)-SemiCloseL, (EY)-SemiCloseR, (EY)-CloseIt, (EY)-CloseItL, (EY)-CloseItR, (EY)-AroundDown, (EY)-Bigger, (EY)-BottomHeavy, (EY)-CorneaShape, (EY)-FoldDown, (EY)-FoldSmooth, (EY)-InnerCloser, (EY)-InnerDown, (EY)-InnerShape, (EY)-IrisBigger, (EY)-IrisBiggest, (EY)-IrisFX, (EY)-IrisShape, (EY)-IrisShape2, (EY)-LidBotMove, (EY)-LidBotMoveR, (EY)-LidBottomHeight, (EY)-LidBottomOut, (EY)-LidBottomOutherHeight, (EY)-LidBottomShape, (EY)-LidBottomSize, (EY)-LidTopHeight, (EY)-LidTopMove, (EY)-LidTopMoveR, (EY)-LidTopOutherHeight, (EY)-LidTopSize, (EY)-LowerMidUp, (EY)-LowerOut, (EY)-LowerUp, (EY)-Out, (EY)-Outher, (EY)-OutherMove, (EY)-OutherUp, (EY)-PupilShape, (EY)-PupilSlit, (EY)-Rotate, (EY)-RotateInner, (EY)-RotateOuther, (EY)-ShapeSS, (EY)-SidesWrinkled, (EY)-Smooth, (EY)-TopHeavy, (EY)-Up, (EY)-UpperHeight, (EY)-Wider

Brows (36):

(B)-AngledUp, (B)-Bigger, (B)-CuriousL, (B)-CuriousR, (B)-ExcitedL, (B)-ExcitedR, (B)-Inner, (B)-InnerHeight, (B)-InnerHeightL, (B)-InnerHeightR, (B)-InnerShapeUpL, (B)-InnerShapeUpR, (B)-InnerUp, (B)-OutherDownL, (B)-OutherDownR, (B)-OutherHeight, (B)-OutherHeightL, (B)-OutherHeightR, (B)-OutherShapeL, (B)-OutherShapeR, (B)-OutherUpL, (B)-OutherUpR, (B)-Shape, (B)-ShapeUp2L, (B)-ShapeUp2R, (B)-ShapeUpL, (B)-ShapeUpR, (B)-SmileL, (B)-SmileR, (B)-Smoother, (B)-Squeeze, (B)-UpDown, (B)-UpDownL, (B)-UpDownR, (B)-WorryL, (B)-WorryR

Ears (17):

(E)-aFairyStyle, (E)-anElvenStyle, (E)-aShape01, (E)-aShape02, (E)-Bigger, (E)-BiggerL, (E)-BiggerR, (E)-EarlobesDown, (E)-EarlobeShape01, (E)-EarlobesSize, (E)-Front, (E)-In, (E)-InL, (E)-InR, (E)-Up, (E)-UpL, (E)-UpR

Nose (36):

(NO)-NoseBigger, (NO)-NoseFull, (NO)-NoseIn, (NO)-NoseLarge, (NO)-NoseLeftRight, (NO)-NoseLineForward, (NO)-NoseMidUp, (NO)-NoseMidWide, (NO)-NoseMidWidth, (NO)-NosePinUp, (NO)-NoseRotate, (NO)-NoseShape, (NO)-NoseSloper, (NO)-NoseThinner, (NO)-NoseTipDown, (NO)-NoseTipHigher, (NO)-NoseTipUp, (NO)-NoseTopDepth, (NO)-NoseTopHeight, (NO)-NoseTopSize, (NO)-NoseTopWidth, (NO)-NoseUp, (NO)-NoseWide, (NO)-NoseWrinkled, (NO)-NostrilsBigger, (NO)-NostrilsHoleUp, (NO)-NostrilsShape, (NO)-NostrilsShape02, (NO)-NostrilsSize, (NO)-NostrilsUp, (NO)-NostrilsWide, (NO)-PhiltrumDown, (NO)-PhiltrumWide, (NO)-PhitrumDepth, (NO)-PhitrumInner, (NO)-PhitrumShape


Characters (19):


Body-Styles (34):

J-ConvertToMan(L), J-Thinner(L), J-Model(L), J-Skin&Bones(L), J-Just18(L), J-Slim(L), J-MoreMore(L), J-Volumed(L), J-Bulb(L), J-Fat(L), J-Huge(L), J-Thinny(L), J-Fantastic(L), J-Sportive(L), J-PetiteGirl(L), J-Ordinary(L), J-Still(L), J-ConvertToMan, J-Thinner, J-Model, J-Skin&Bones, J-Just18, J-Slim, J-MoreMore, J-Volumed, J-Bulb, J-Fat, J-Huge, J-Thinny, J-Fantastic, J-Sportive, J-PetiteGirl, J-Ordinary, J-Still

Muscular Bodies (20):

J-Muscular(L), J-Fighter(L), J-Wrestler(L), J-Hercules(L), J-Soldier(L), J-Bower(L), J-Holly(L), J-Runner(L), J-LightMuscleModel(L), J-Warrior(L), J-Muscular, J-Fighter, J-Wrestler, J-Hercules, J-Soldier, J-Bower, J-Holly, J-Runner, J-LightMuscleModel, J-Warrior

Partial Body Morpsh (111):

J-BigBreasts, J-HugeBreasts, J-SiliconizedBreast, J-NaturalHangBreasts, J-AgedBreasts, J-BreastsSize, J-CloserBreasts, J-BreastsInnerUp, J-ForwardBreasts, J-HangingBreasts, J-FlatBreasts, J-AreolaForward, J-AreolaBigger, J-AreolaPeak, J-NipplesOn, J-NipplesUp, J-NipplesOut, J-NipplesSize, J-ChestIn, J-BreastsDeformed, J-NeckThinner, J-NeckShape, J-UpperTorsoDefine, J-ChestDownBigger, J-ChestDownOut, J-ChestDownShape, J-ChestDownDetail, J-ChestDownLine, J-ChestMidShape, J-TrapsUpper, J-LatsOut, J-ChestUp, J-ShoulderBackOut, J-ShoulderShape, J-BoddyMiddleShape, J-Pregnant, J-AbdomenIn, J-AbdomenOut, J-BellyOut, J-BellyShape, J-BellyDown, J-AbdomenSize, J-AbdomenLineIn, J-AbdomenTopFixR, J-AbdomenTopFixL, J-AbdomenSideOutR, J-AbdomenSideOutL, J-HipsBig, J-HipsTopSide, J-AbdomenLowerShape, J-GenUpperIn, J-AbdomenTopInner, J-BackSideInner, J-AbdomenLineBigger, J-WaistSidesOut, J-ArmsBigger, J-ForeArmsLine, J-UpperArmsShape, J-ShouldersThinner, J-UpperArmBicep, J-ForeArmBigger, J-ThighsBigger, J-ThighsSize, J-ShinsBigger, J-CalvesOut, J-KneeSize, J-KneeVolume, J-FrontThighsMuscle, J-InnerThighsMuscle, J-OuterThighsMuscle, J-GlutesBigger, J-GluteUpR, J-GluteUpL, J-GluteShapeR, J-GluteShapeL, J-GluteTopFix, J-GlutesUpperOut, J-GlutesShape, J-GlutesLowerIn, J-NeckRightMuscle-1, J-NeckLeftMuscle-1, J-NeckRightMuscle, J-NeckLeftMuscle, J-TrapsOut, J-ShouldersUpperMuscles, J-AbdomenMuscles, J-LatsMuscles, J-UpperChestMuscles, J-AbdomenInnerMuscles, J-AbdomenUpperSideMuscles, J-LatsB, J-LatsC, J-UpperArmFrontMusclesA, J-UpperArmFrontMusclesB, J-UpperArmTopMuscles, J-UpperArmMusclesA, J-UpperArmMusclesB, J-LowerArmMusclesA, J-LowerArmMusclesB, J-LowerArmMusclesC, J-LowerArmMusclesD, J-BackSideShape, J-GlutesMuscles, J-ThighMusclesF, J-ThighMusclesE, J-ThighMusclesD, J-ThighMusclesC, J-ThighMusclesB, J-ThighMusclesA, J-ShinsMusclesA, J-ShinsMusclesB

Compatibility :

Set is compatible with Poser 2012+ (Poser 2012 Character Alyson 2 must be installed)

Important Tips for Auto conforming:

1. Morph Alyson 2 character to your favorite selection. (You may do it whenever you want)

2. Select Alyon 2 character for Dressing. (Important: Dress uses automatic morph function for this character after added to you compilation)

3. Add dress to the scene.

4. Conform it. (DO NOT USE Magnet poses of V4..They are allready in the figures.)

5. !!INJECTION MORPHS !! (Where available): All morphs of the Alyson 2 items are injection morphs located under Pose / Jasmina Morphs Library..In order to use morphs, you have to inject them to the clothing item.

Note : Materials on the preview screen may be seen different. This is because of texture previewer of the Poser is not calculating allmaterial entries. Simply render it and get perfect result ;)

Information about the Promo page and Product :

Figures are designed and all morphs are created with Cinema 4D. Pictures in promo page are rendered with Poser 2014 (Firefly renderer ,
Ray Tracing On and one light source with Ambient Occlusion on). No post work made on none of the images except sizing.

Price: $14.99 USD

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Price: $14.99 USD

2509 5