Silent Kill: Rifle Poses

3D Figure Assets released on Apr 14, 2015
Silent Kill: Rifle Poses by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Base Figures:
Victoria 4, Michael 4
Available Uses:

We all know that weapon silencers and suppressors don't actually make gunshots that quiet... but when your shots are echoing all over the city after taking out your target, it'll be hard to pinpoint you, and even harder with your stealthy assassin's sniper rifle hidden in your briefcase!

This set includes:
- 36 poses for M4 and V4 (34 of which have mirrors; 2 of them are reset poses);
- 9 rifle figures (1 standalone and 4 each for M4 and V4; the figure-specific rifles are in "posed" and "unposed" versions);
- 5 briefcase figures (1 standalone and 2 each for M and V4);
- 19 props (including 7 smart props for the briefcase and 3 for the rifle);
- 2 aiming expressions each for M4 and V4;
- 6 hand poses each for M4 and V4;
- 32 MAT poses for the rifle and briefcase;
- 15 bonus 4000px transparent PNGs of reticles to use as overlays

*Note: The briefcase figures will not work correctly in DAZ Studio 3. Also, the MAT poses will only work on the figures; prop materials must be changed manually.

Price: $15.99 USD

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Price: $15.99 USD

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