Mini Ufo

3D Figure Assets released on Apr 25, 2015
Mini Ufo by N/A

Operating Systems:
Windows 7
Available Uses:

This small model of a UFO is inspired by a vintage model seen for the first time in a comic and in a famous game.
It was modelled thinking about Gini robot and Little Bit robot.


Completely UV-Mapped



x9 Materials colours:
x7 Rusty Textures 2048x2048 px:
x7 Bumbs Textures 2048x2048 px:

Many combination possibilities (read the Readme.txt file for full details)


Mini_Ufo instruction:

After you have loaded Mini_Ufo, (if you want) load the cannon that you want and fit to MIni_Ufo, thats all !

Mini_Ufo instruction (for Little Bit):

The size of Mini_Ufo is for Gini Droid.

If you want adjust the size of Mini_ufo to Little_Bit,
it is sufficient go to parameters tab and change the value from 100% to 80% or 85%, thats all !

Price: $12.45 USD

2004 8

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Price: $12.45 USD

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