DateLine2 V4-A4-Elite

3D Figure Assets released on Apr 29, 2015
DateLine2  V4-A4-Elite by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Base Figures:
Victoria 4
Available Uses:

It's all about creating your own look!

DateLine 2 includes:

• 1 object

• 1 superconforming dress

• 5 MAT Poses for the dress

• 6 One Click Styles + Rem & Default

• P6+ Materials


Morph List:

• Dynamic:

Change Style
Dress Deflate-Inflate
Bottom Style1
Bottom Style2
Front Hang
Front Hang2
Back Hang
UnderArms Hang
Open 1
Open 2
Adjust Open In-Out
Show Breasts Folded
Front Dress Up-Down
Back Dress Up-Down
Back Top In-Out
Left Side In-Out
Right Side In-Out
LeftHip Push-Pull
RightHip Push-Pull
Left UnderArm In-Out
Right UnderArm In-Out
UnderArms In-Out
Straps Open-Close
Straps Up-Down
Straps Front Pull-Push
Straps Back Pull-Push
Straps Front Top Pull-Push
Right Strap Twist
Left Strap Twist
Left Strap Up-Down
Right Strap Up-Down
Right Strap Front-Back
Left Strap Front-Back
LeftBack Strap Front-Back
RightBack Strap Front-Back
LFrontBottom Sit Up-Down
RFrontBottom Sit Up-Down
Back Bottom Sit
Front Bottom Sit
Holes In-Out
Shrink Holes
Add Folds

• FBMs:

Body Builder
Pear Figure
Sylph Body
Utopian Body
Aiko Stylized
Aiko Petite
Aiko Realistic

• PBMs:

Glutes Size
Glute Raise R
Glute Raise L
Waist Width
Hips Size
Torso Thickness
Breasts Size
Breasts Diameter
Breasts Perk
Breast UpR
Breast UpL
Breast OutR
Breast OutL
Breast InR
Breast InL
Breast DownR
Breast DownL
Breasts Implant
Breasts Large
Breasts Natural
Breasts HangForward
Breasts Flatten
Breasts Cleavage Width
Breasts Cleavage
Areola Perk
Nipples Depth
Nipples Height

• Adjust:

Adjust Waist
Adjust Buttocks
Adjust Hips
Adjust Torso Up
Breast UpR
Breast UpL
Breast OutR
Breast OutL
Breast InR
Breast InL
Breast DownR
Breast DownL
Breasts Implant
Breasts Perk
Breasts Natural
Breasts Diameter
Breasts Large
Breasts Size
Breasts HangForward
Breasts Cleavage
Areola Perk
Nipples Height
Nipples Depth

• Extra Bones: RThigh-LThigh-SkFront-SkBack-SkRight-SkLeft

Required: DAZ's V4

~ Please see the Read-Me for more details and to get the most out of this product. ~

†This pack has not been tested in DS.†

Rendered in Poser Pro 2010

No touch-ups.

~ It was impossible to show all the different looks one can obtain by using the various dynamic morphs, adjust morphs and extra bones.
I hope you have fun creating your own.:) ~

† Hot Hot! panty by 3D-Age, Characters, hair and poses are not included.†

Thank you for your interest in my products.

Promo credits:

• P3D's Linn by P3Design
• Hot Hot! panty by 3D-Age
• Natural Hi & Posed by nirvy
• Poses by Danie
• Lira Hair by 3Dream
• Lights by Fabiana

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