Jasmina's Sweet Clothing Bundle

3D Models released on Jun 14, 2015
Jasmina's Sweet Clothing Bundle by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

********** Sweet Clothing Bundle set for Victoria 4.2 Elite - AIKO 4 - GIRL 4 - STEPHANIE 4 **********

Package Content

Geometrical Figures : 8 (Top, Leather top, Boots (2 Figures), Stocking (2 Figures), Skirt, Swimsuit) (All morphs are automatically adjusted when conformed to releated figure. Just you need to select character before loading the figures) - In any case non python versions of the figures are included.
Mat Pose Files : Over 350 (Hi-Res)

One click python load all function works to load all dress parts and conform them automatically (except swimsuit which must be used seperately).

Automorphing Function: Figures loaded to Poser are automatically morphs together with V4. Just use morph dials of the V4 and all items automatically change.

Morphs in this set are designed to be used as single morph, by the way you may combine them to have different views of the products. Some morphs may cause distortion in case of multiple morph usage.

Sweet Skirt figure also has more than 50 different partial adjustment dials to have maximum realistic physics for the posed character. You may easily adjust your skirt parts considering gravity or wind.
There is special mat pose for the skirt which turns the surface into wavy form.

Sweet Top has zippers also can be adjusted considering the gravity.

Beta Testers : (Thanks..) 76claudia2205 and Zoe

Morph set:

Boots Morphs (2 Figures):

A4AikoBody, A4AikoPetite, A4Realistic, A4Stylized, Amazon, BodyBuilder, Bulk, Definition, Emaciated, FantasiaBody, Fitness, G4TheGirlBODY, Heavy, PearFigure, S4Caitlyn, S4Ella, S4Grace, S4Isabelle, S4Lily, S4Madeline, S4Natalie, S4Paige, S4Stephanie, SylphBody, Thin, UtopianBody, Voluptuous, Young, Barbarian, Beefy, CalvesFlex, Gymnast, Massive, Olympian, ShinsThickness, Toned, Wirey

Leather Top (1 Figure):

A4AikoBody, A4AikoPetite, A4Realistic, A4Stylized, Amazon, BodyBuilder, Bulk, Definition, Emaciated, FantasiaBody, Fitness, G4TheGirlBODY, PearFigure, S4Caitlyn, S4Ella, S4Grace, S4Isabelle, S4Lily, S4Madeline, S4Natalie, S4Paige, S4Stephanie, SylphBody, Thin, UtopianBody, Voluptuous, Young, Barbarian, Beefy, BellySmooth, BellyThickness, BellyThin, BreastsCleavage, BreastsDiameter, BreastsDroop, BreastsFlatten, BreastsHangForward, BreastsImplant, BreastsLarge, BreastsNatural, BreastsPerk, BreastsSize, ChestDepth, GlutesSize, Gymnast, HipsCrest, HipsSize, Inhale, LatsSize, LoveHandleL, LoveHandleR, Massive, Olympian, RibCageVolume, StomachDepth, Toned, TorsoThickness, TummyOut, WaistWidth, Wirey, Heavy, AreolaOut, AreolaPerk, AreolaSize, BreastVolume, GluteSmoothed, GluteUpperDepth, LowerBackDepth, LowerObliqueDepth, Nipples, NipplesBig, NipplesDepth, NipplesHeight, Pregnant, RibCageContour, RibCageDetail, RibCageLowerDepth, RibCageSmooth, SmoothAbdomenLower, SternumDetail, WaistOuterContour

Skirt (1 Figure):

A4AikoBody, A4AikoPetite, A4Realistic, A4Stylized, Amazon, BodyBuilder, Bulk, Definition, Emaciated, FantasiaBody, Fitness, G4TheGirlBODY, Heavy, PearFigure, S4Caitlyn, S4Ella, S4Grace, S4Isabelle, S4Lily, S4Madeline, S4Natalie, S4Paige, S4Stephanie, SylphBody, Thin, UtopianBody, Voluptuous, Young, Barbarian, Beefy, BellyThickness, GluteFlexL, GluteFlexR, GluteRaiseL, GluteRaiseR, GlutesSize, Gymnast, HipsCrest, HipsSize, LoveHandleL, LoveHandleR, Massive, Olympian, StomachDepth, ThighsThickness, ThighsTone, Toned, TorsoThickness, TummyOut, WaistWidth, Wirey, BellyThin, GluteLowerDepth, GluteSmoothed, GluteUpperDepth, LowerBackDepth, Pregnant, PubicDepth, SmoothAbdomenLower, ThighFrontContour, ThighOuterContour, WaistOuterContour

Stocking (2 Figures):

A4AikoBody, A4AikoPetite, A4Realistic, A4Stylized, Amazon, Barbarian, Beefy, BodyBuilder, Bulk, CalvesFlex, Definition, Emaciated, FantasiaBody, FeetArch, FeetForShoe, Fitness, G4TheGirlBODY, GlutesSize, Gymnast, Heavy, HideHalf, HipsCrest, HipsSize, KneeCapVolume, KneeWidth, Massive, Olympian, PearFigure, Pregnant, S4Caitlyn, S4Ella, S4Grace, S4Isabelle, S4Lily, S4Madeline, S4Natalie, S4Paige, S4Stephanie, ShinsThickness, SylphBody, ThighFrontContour, ThighInnerContour, ThighOuterContour, ThighsThickness, ThighsTone, Thin, ToeBigCurlL, ToeBigCurlR, ToeBigSide-SideL, ToeBigSide-SideR, ToeBigUp-DownL, ToeBigUp-DownR, ToesPointed, ToesSmallIn, ToesSmallUp-DownL, ToesSmallUp-DownR, Toned, TorsoThickness, UtopianBody, Voluptuous, Wirey, Young

SwimSuit (1 Figure):

A4AikoBody, A4AikoPetite, A4Realistic, A4Stylized, AbsHeightL, AbsHeightR, Amazon, AreolaOut, AreolaPerk, AreolaSize, ArmSize, Barbarian, Beefy, BellySmooth, BellyThickness, BellyThin, BodyBuilder, BreastsCleavage, BreastsDiameter, BreastsDroop, BreastsFlatten, BreastsHangForward, BreastsImplant, BreastsLarge, BreastsNatural, BreastsPerk, BreastsSize, BreastVolume, Bulk, ChestDepth, ClaviclesDefine, Definition, Emaciated, FantasiaBody, Fitness, G4TheGirlBODY, GluteCreaseL, GluteCreaseR, GluteFlexL, GluteFlexR, GluteLowerDepth, GluteRaiseL, GluteRaiseR, GlutesDimpleDepth, GluteSmoothed, GlutesSize, GluteUpperDepth, Gymnast, Heavy, HipsCrest, HipsSize, Inhale, LatsSize, LoveHandleL, LoveHandleR, LowerBackDepth, LowerObliqueDepth, Massive, NavelHeight, Nipples, NipplesBig, NipplesDepth, NipplesHeight, Olympian, PearFigure, Pregnant, PubicDepth, RibCageContour, RibCageDetail, RibCageLowerDepth, RibCageSmooth, RibCageVolume, S4Caitlyn, S4Ella, S4Grace, S4Isabelle, S4Lily, S4Madeline, S4Natalie, S4Paige, S4Stephanie, ShldrBladeDepth, ShouldersDepth, ShouldersThickness, SmoothAbdomenLower, SternumDetail, StomachDepth, SylphBody, ThighFrontContour, ThighOuterContour, ThighsThickness, ThighsTone, Thin, Toned, TorsoThickness, TrapsSize, TummyOut, UtopianBody, Voluptuous, WaistOuterContour, WaistWidth, Wirey,Young

Sweet Top (1 Figure):

A4AikoBody, A4AikoPetite, A4Realistic, A4Stylized, Amazon, Barbarian, Beefy, BellySmooth, BellyThickness, BellyThin, BodyBuilder, BreastsCleavage, BreastsDiameter, BreastsDroop, BreastsFlatten, BreastsHangForward, BreastsImplant, BreastsLarge, BreastsNatural, BreastsPerk, BreastsSize, Bulk, BZipRot90, ChestDepth, Definition, Emaciated, FantasiaBody, Fitness, FZipRot-90, G4TheGirlBODY, GlutesSize, Gymnast, HipsCrest, HipsSize, Inhale, LatsSize, LoveHandleL, LoveHandleR, Massive, Olympian, PearFigure, RibCageVolume, S4Caitlyn, S4Ella, S4Grace, S4Isabelle, S4Lily, S4Madeline, S4Natalie, S4Paige, S4Stephanie, StomachDepth, SylphBody, ThighsThickness, ThighsTone, Thin, Toned, TorsoThickness, TummyOut, UtopianBody, Voluptuous, WaistWidth, Wirey , Young

Compatibility :

Set is compatible with Poser 6+, DAZ3D V4 Character (Also figures can be loaded to DAZ Studio but materials has to be adjusted)

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