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"Dazzle SV's Geometrics Earrings"
What's Included:
204 styles for the Earring-01-Tri-Con-Dia
Earring-01 styles include:
68 styles for the Connector
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
68 styles for the Diamond
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
68 styles for the Triangle
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
204 styles for the Earring-02-Diamonds
Earring-01 styles include:
68 styles for the Diamond-01
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
68 styles for the Diamond-02
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
68 styles for the Diamond-03
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
68 styles for the Earring-07-Triangle
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
204 styles for the Earring-08-Cir-Ova-Tri
Earring-01 styles include:
68 styles for the Circle
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
68 styles for the Oval
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
68 styles for the Triangle
- 20 metal coloured metal styles
- 48 coloured metal styles
- 26 gel styles
- 40 gemstone styles
- 48 glass styles
- 48 latex styles
- 22 marble styles
- 30 metal coloured metal styles
- 30 metal coloured hammered metal styles
- 96 coloured metal styles
- 96 coloured hammered metal styles
For a package total of 1058 mat poses! The MEGA Mix n Match!
Stand out in any crowd... Never blend in!™
Promotional images rendered in Poser Pro 2014
Product Requirements:
Poser 6+
SV's Geometrics Earrings by Sveva
I *do not* offer D|S support!
This is NOT a merchant resource, and you may not use any of the included textures, or materials, on any other package other than this one.
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