Tea forTwo

3D Models released on Jun 25, 2016
Tea forTwo by N/A

Available Uses:

Tea for Two is a complete tea set for Poser. Everything you need to make a lovely cozy tea.

Even the table, tablecloth and chairs is included. There is 27 individual props in this set along with a ready-to-use .pp2 with all you need.

Whatever goes naturally together is parented in place (tea to the teacup for instance)

What you get:

!TeaForTwo - Almost everything in the pack, ready-assembled and placed on the table (Not autoloading is the split scone and the dollop of cream, both easily added from the library)
ButterDish - nice, faceted glass butter dish with lid and removable butter
CakeFork - a dainty fork with a sharp edge for cutting cakes
CakeStand - a 3-tiered cake stand to put everything you'd like to eat on
ClottedCream - a glass jar of clotted cream for the scones
Cream - pitcher of lovely cream for the tea
CucumberSandwich - with their crusts removed
DigestBisquit - grahams biscuit
Doily - crocheted. There's another version supplied in the Textures folder for variations.
DollopOfCream - fits right on top of the split scone
JamJar - with strawberry jam
Knife - silver handle with stainless steel blade
LemonWedge - for the tea, in case you prefer that to cream and sugar
Napkin - with a crocheted doily-style napkin ring
Plate - to put your food on
Saucer - to put the teacup on
Scone - freshly baked
SconeSplit - just waiting for butter or clotted cream and jam
SugarBowl - with sugar cubes
SugarTong - to daintily nip a sugar cube with
TableCloth - makes the table look nice
Tea - simple plane that goes in the cup. Standard is milk tea but change the colour and you can have it your way
TeaTable - to put everything on
Teacup - this is where the tea goes
Teapot - where the tea comes from
Teaspoon - can also be used in the jam and clotted cream
Victorian Chair - high-backed chair with a cushioned seat

In order for several of the materials (notably anything glass or silver) I highly suggest rendering this in a closed environment. The glass items also benefit from several raytrace bounces in order to look right. Anything glass, silver, wood or cloth uses Poser procedural shaders. Anything else uses old-fashioned texture maps. 

And remember:

Have FUN!

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