15 Creature Scales Textures with Texture Maps

2D Graphics released on Oct 04, 2016
15 Creature Scales Textures with Texture Maps by N/A

Any program that can open JPG files and that can work with Texture Maps.
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Product description:

15 Seamless Creature Scales with Texture Maps: Albedo, Ambient Occlusion, Normal, Rougness, Metallic and Height.

This set of textures are optimized for gaming and tweaked inside a PBR program to create realistic looking textures.Allthough this
set of textures were designed for gaming they are not limited to gaming.

All tiles are 4096 x 4096 pixels x 72 dpi.
All items can be used in any software that supports .JPG files.

It is a Merchant Rescource and you can use it to create your own products. Please read the "Readme" file to see how it can be used as a Merchant Resource.

Note: The set includes one AO, Normal, Roughness, Metallic and Height Map. One map of each can be used with all the Albedo textures as
they are the same.

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