Pimple Merchant Resource Pack

2D Graphics released on Oct 26, 2016
Pimple Merchant Resource Pack by N/A

Any program that can open PNGs
Available Uses:
Standard License, Merchant Resource

Have you ever wanted a character that wasn't perfect? Or how about some natural looking boils / puss like blemishes or even pimples? This merchant resource is for you then.

This merchant resource contains 19 individual pngs images of pimples with transparent backgrounds. The pimples have soft faded edges to make blending much easier.

You may not use this to create other merchant resources, share, sell or giveaway any part of this product whether in whole or partial form. You MUST create a character for sell in any 3D market place or to add effects to your personal commercial artwork renders.

With special blending techniques, you can use these as a merchant resource on any figure, animal, prop and etc. You don’t have to state this merchant resource in your readme file but it would be appreciated.

No characters, character material presets, hair, objs, lighting, render settings, environment settings, props, and etc is included in this merchant resource pack.

System Requirements:
Any program that can open and edit PNG files

Price: $7.95 USD

Prime Price: $4.00 USD
50% Off

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