Natural Hi 3 G3F

3D Figure Assets released on Jan 18, 2017
Natural Hi 3 G3F by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

Daz Studio 4
Base Figures:
Genesis 3 Female
DAZ's Genesis 3 Females
Available Uses:

Natural Hi 3 G3F

What's new in Natural Hi 3?
Everything in this pack is totally new.
You will not find the same shapes nor helpers in any of the other Natural packs.
Each Natural product is individual and unique.

The horror fans will enjoy the distorted breasts to enhance their selected scenes.

Mix all your Natural breasts making the shapes limitless.

• 1 click custom Breast shapes + custom Fine Tune + Distorted custom breasts for G3F


• 26 Custom Breasts Injs + Rems

• 6 Custom Distorted Breasts (4 of which have L + R partials) Injs + Rems

• Reset All ( in all folders) - All Breasts Zero - Distorted All Zero

• 14 Custom Fine Tune:

- Breast Crease
- Breast Crease2
- Breast Crease3
- Breasts Up-Down
- Breasts Down
- Breasts Reduce
- Chest Lower Up-Down
- Chest Upper Up-Down
- Cleavage
- Cleavage2
- Nipples
- Nipples2
- Nipples Big
- Nipples Big2

All Fine Tune Zero - Breasts Crease REM - Breasts Rem - Chest Rem - Cleavage Rem - Nipples Rem
Genesis 3 Female Body Morphs are not required because the content of this pack is totally custom. If you do have them though you can use them to change and vary the custom shapes creating many more of them.

The shape presets can be used with all Genesis3F characters and have been tested on many of them.
The morphs were created on G3F Base.

Characters with custom breast morphs may not be compatible with the shape presets at 1. If so you can always use the parameter dials and adjust or change as you want.

The Shapes do not need to be used at 1 necessarily. You can dial in G3F morphs, adjust the custom morph dials and Fine Tune. Mix them and experiment.

Stacking (injecting 2 shape presets at 1 on top of eachother) is possible but you may get unexpected results.

The parameter dials are color coded.
• The Distorted Breasts:

These were created for Horror Fans.

Do not limit yourself to the shapes at 1. Mix all the other dials to get different Distorted breasts.
L + R together are also included as a full breast preset for all shapes.
• The Breasts:

The breasts can be used as an adjusting tool or as full breast morphs, it's up to you.

By mixing the breast presets with Fine Tune dials you can obtain different breast shapes.

If you have the G3F body morphs you can dial in whatever you like to adjust the shape of the custom breasts.

Mix these Breast morphs with the Custom Shape Dials in all other Natural packs.

Whichever way you choose to use the morphs the variations are limitless.
• Fine Tune:

The Fine Tune morphs are zeroed by default. You will need to use the parameter dials to dial +/- as you choose.
• The Nipples

Almost all the breasts do not have nipples at Default.

These are in the Fine Tune Folder to adjust as you want or combine with G3F nipple morphs.
• Breast Crease:

The creases were created to give a more realistic appearance to the breasts. They are not always suitable though. Experiment to create the breasts you like.
Genesis 3 Female included free in DAZ Studio 4.9
This package has been tested in DAZ studio 4.9
Please see Read me for details to get the most out of this product.

Rendered in DAZ Studio 4.9

No touch-ups.

The complete content is not shown in the promotional images above.
All the possible variations that can be made are too many to show.
Fine Tune has been used in most images (especially nipples).

† Characters, Figures, hair and body poses are not included.†

Thank you for your interest in my products.

Promo credits:
• Danique G3F by Godin @ DAZ
• Spiked G3F Outfit by nirvy
• Twinkle Heart G3F by nirvy
• Natural Lingerie Sensible G3F by nirvy
• SAV's Alpha Moikanaki
• SAV's Alpha Scalp
• Tatiana Hair by 3Dream & Mairy @ DAZ
• Poses by Danie
• Lights by Sveva

©nirvyproductions 2003-2017

Price: $10.95 USD

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