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Daz Studio 4, Daz Studio 4.8 ONLY, Daz Studio 4.9 ONLY, DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
Two characters with special 2 day offer. These characters will be available in two days separately.
FWSA Jacob & Jasmine
What's included with FWSA Jasmine for Genesis 3:
Jasmine Full Character Preset
Jasmine Head Apply/REM
Jasmine Body Apply/REM
Jasmine Nails Apply/REM
Jasmine Nipples Apply/REM
Jasmine Navel Apply/REM
Character MAT (with genitals)
~ Make Up Options:
7 Makeup Options (Subtle)
7 Makeup Options (Bold)
7 Makeup Options (Ultra Subtle)
1 Makeup Off Option
~ Lip Options:
7 Lip Colours (Soft)
7 Lip Colours (Bold)
1 Default Lip
1 Gloss Lips (to apply to any color)
1 Matte Lips (to apply to any color)
~ Eye Options:
7 Eye Colours
What's included with FWSA Jacob for Genesis 3:
Jacob Full Character Preset
Jacob Head Apply/REM
Jacob Body Apply/REM
Jacob Nipples Apply/REM
Jacob Navel Apply/REM
Character MAT
No Beard
Tattoo Remove
Chest Hair
Chest Hair Remove
Genitals (circumcised and uncircumcised)
~ Eye Options:
7 Eye Colours
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