BSL Fingerspell Poses for G8F and Victoria 8

3D Figure Assets released on Jun 22, 2017
BSL Fingerspell Poses for G8F and Victoria 8 by N/A

DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)
Base Figures:
Genesis 8 Female, Victoria 8
Available Uses:

Partial Poses for Genesis 8 Female and Victoria 8- Daz Studio Only

The new Genesis has different zero positions so this has meant adjusting all the poses for G8F. I have also done poses for Victoria 8 as well. These only needed minor modification from the G8F version especially where hands fingers meet but this neans you can use without needing to do adjustments.

Sign Language of sorts has been used by humans for thousands of years, however the earliest version of the British Manual Alphabet was not until 1698.
Today the British two handed Fingerspelling is only a small part of the British Sign Language. However it is the part that everyone can easily learn.
So is it not time for your 3D Characters to learn and use.

These partial poses will only affect your characters rotation settings from the Collar down to fingers and thumb.
This enables you to use other poses to stand / sit your character before using the Fingerspell Pose.
There are poses for both Left Handed and Right Handed Characters.
However British Fingerspell is not a single static pose so you will also not only get the 26 Finish Poses but also for animation 25 start poses (C does only has a finish pose) there is also three mid poses for 'J'. A total of 110 partial poses for G8F and Victoria 8.