This is meant as an expansion to the Temple constuction set and adds 10 new objects which are in the same style, one beam,
5 decorations, 1 pillar, 1 stair and 2 wall sections. Four of the objects in the package are closely linked to the Temple
construction set package. That being the two walls, the beam and the stair object.
(Some objects used in the promotional images and the video are from the Temple construction set package)
The set include textures for both Superfly and Iray
Notice that emissive functionality are only available for Poser.
Installation instructions Poser
1. Download the files for Poser
2. Download the textures
(If you have have Temple construction set, unpack to the same folder)
Unpack both Zip archive(s) to your poser runtime directory or a seperate folder, all files will be placed in the right folders.
And follows the standard folder hierarchy of Poser.
Installation instructions Daz studio
1. Download the files for Daz studio
2. Download the textures
(If you have have Temple construction set, unpack to the same folder)
Unpack both Zip archive(s) to the same folder, all files will be placed in the right folders.