.: Product Features :.
* Genesis 3 Female poses:
- Full Body:
-- Behind Desk 1
-- Captain Chair 1
-- Captain Chair 1 Mirror
-- Elevator
-- Handshake
-- Leaning Back
-- Leaning Back Mirror
-- Standing By Display
-- Standing Pose 1
- Lower Body:
-- Border Leaning
-- Border Leaning Mirror
-- Captain Chair
-- Captain Chair Mirror
-- Handshake
-- Sitting Behind Desk
-- Sitting Behind Desk Mirror
-- Standing By Info Desk 2
-- Standing By Info Desk 2 Mirror
-- Standing By Info Desk
-- Standing In Elevator
- Upper Body:
-- Border Leaning
-- Border Leaning Mirror
-- Captain Chair
-- Captain Chair Mirror
-- Handshake
-- Sitting Behind Desk
-- Sitting Behind Desk Mirror
-- Standing By Info Desk
-- Standing In Elevator
-- Team Standing By Info Display
-- Team Standing By Info Display Mirror
* Genesis 3 Male poses:
- Full Body:
-- Captain Chair Sitting
-- Captain Chair Sitting Mirror
-- Handshake
-- Leaning on Desk
-- Leaning on Desk Mirror
-- Sitting Pose 1
-- Sitting Pose 1 Mirror
-- Stair Walk 1
-- Standing Behind Desk 1
-- Standing Behind Desk 1 Mirror
-- Standing Behind Desk 2
-- Standing Behind Desk 2 Mirror
-- Standing By Display
- Lower Body:
-- Giving order
-- Handshake
-- Leaning
-- Sitting By Info Desk
-- Stair Walk
-- Team Standing By Info Display
-- Team Standing By Info Display Mirror
- Upper Body:
-- Giving Order
-- Handshake
-- Leaning
-- Sitting By Info Desk
-- Stair Walk
-- Team Standing By Info Display Mirror
-- Team Standing By Info Display
Requires the installation of the Genesis 3 Female and Genesis 3 Male figures, available at DAZ.
Requires the installation of the Starship Bridge XT 2, available for sale here.
Note: These poses are not compatible with the Starship Bridge 2 XT for Poser since the Genesis 3 Female and Male figures will not work in Poser.
Poses created by Wybe van der Veen and commissioned by Vanishing Point.