Anime-inspired mecha armor or robot with morphs, movable parts and accesories.
What's Included:
Mecha with morphs and movable parts.
Machine Gun (mounted and separated prop).
Sword (mounted and separated prop).
Shield (mounted and separated prop).
Up to 31 points of articulation.
Head Morphs and Dials:
Antennae angle
Mask on/off
Face details on/off
Nose guard on/off
Cameras option1
Cameras option2
Crest size
Main Morphs and Dials:
Hatch open/close
Wings angle
Wings up/down
Jets angle
Shield on/off
Sword on/off
Machine gun on/off
Guns on/off
Hand open/close (x2)
Leg front/back (x2)
Hologram HUD on/off
Extra Morphs:
Machine gun to gun
Machine gun accesories on/off
Sword blade length
Sword grip length
Shield Size
Control levers size (x2)