MS15 Victorian Steampunk Terminal for Vue 9

3D Models released on Nov 28, 2017
MS15 Victorian Steampunk Terminal for Vue 9 by N/A

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Product Name: Victorian Steampunk Terminal for Vue 9
Copyright: Copyright 2015

By: (London224)

Site Mail

Package Includes: Victorian Steampunk Terminal.vob
Tested in: VUE

A large structure afloat on a mountain, this 3.5M+ poly model provides both exterior and interior options for the discerning VUE artist.

Due to the complexity, the model is structured into a bottom and upper half. Trolley cars are individual items, as well as a large interior clock.

While I have provided assigned lighting, 183 including the sun, Light fixtures have been grouped, i.e., upper interior light fixtures as a single model to allow one viewable access.

This is a large model ready for landscape artists out there to plant trees and hanging plants from the underside. Shown trees are not included.

The model is meant for a sky placement and so while positioned at ground level, due to its size you will only see the bottom of the lowest probe. The lighting is all top level so it can be accessed via Relighting.

When you do not want access or use, simply group under the name of the particular section...Docking Lights... and they will move to level two and not show in Relighting. The user will want to alter lighting values by 3-10 in most cases with a few at 150 in range. I normally like to render and then go in and basically play lighting director.

Price: $24.95 USD

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