ANena Studios illustration North Georgia Background Volume #1

2D Graphics released on Aug 19, 2018
ANena Studios illustration North Georgia Background Volume #1 by N/A

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ANeNa Studios illustration North Georgia Volume #1
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“If the Eyes are the windows to the soul, then the character
that you create is where the soul lives.
But the background...oh the background that is where the soul plays and tells its story! “
-ANena Studios illustration

North Georgia Volume # 1 is a collection of 15 photographs that are filled with unexpected concepts that I personally took and you can use as backgrounds for your art that will take your art to the next level. I handcrafted memories with my camera for you to breathe life into your art and make your art memorable.

Photo list and concepts behind the photos

1.A deer in the shade- Perfect for a scene to see through a window, any outdoor activity that you want your character to engage in :from jogging, to dancing, to having a picnic, to meditating, to being surprised, or a fairy/fae scene and any place that your imagination takes you to.

2. Autumn leaves- Perfect for outdoor scene where your character can be thinking or posing or
walking or modeling, Perfect for a scene to see through a window, perfect to add animals, birds insects and any place that your
imagination takes you to.

3. Blue Evening In The Summer-Perfect for an indoor scene where it is the background that you see from a window while your character is cooking indoors, or sitting by a fireplace or reading or entertaining where your character is thinking or posing or walking or modeling, perfect to add animals, birds insects and any place that your imagination takes you to.

4.Butterfly eating in a butterfly bush-Perfect for a close up of your characters face, great to add bees, or more butterflies or anything that you know will make your art pop.

5. Chair and a plant in the field- Perfect for a scene where your character is outdoors and sees someone sitting in the chair, or is actually he or she sitting in the chair, jogging, walking by the chair or anything that you can imagine.

6.Closed in Porch-Perfect as an indoor scene where you add furniture, or you can add characters, or house pets or anything that you can imagine.

7.Colorful Sunset-Perfect for a driving scene, or a scene that you can witness through a window while your character is doing something inside their home.

8.Crape Myrtle Blue Sky-Perfect for a scene viewed from inside a car, or from inside a window in a space- office space, home space or anything that you can imagine.

9. Crape Myrtle- is the most perfect scene for a car, a bicycle, a motorcycle, horse ride, walking experience for your character. Walking a cat, walking a dog, or even walking a pig or any experience that you can imagine.

10. Creek- is perfect for your character to sit on the ledge of the creek and be pensive, a scene with wild life, a scene with pets, with a car or something you see from a window..anything thing you can create.

11.Ivy Woods- Perfect to seen from a window, for your character to see while driving by in a car, on a bicycle, motorcycle, for your character to walk in or pose by, perfect for wildlife.

12.Periwinkle sunset-Perfect as a view from a window, adding birds flying or for your character to pose in, or anything that your mind’s eye can see.

13. Pool Side in the shade. Perfect as an outdoor scene for your character having fun by the pool, or perfect for a scene as a view from a window.

14. Rose- Perfect for a scene from a window or from a nature scene. Add insects or fae/fairies or a character in a close angle .

15.Sun and Tree and grass- This is by far the most magical picture in this bunch; nature is the greatest artists. The shadows and sunlight lend you to using this scene in any manner you wish. You can use is at a scene from inside of a window, for a character jogging. Or driving by, as a modeling portrait session or a picnic any way you can imagine.

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