Rubble and Stuff

3D Models released on Oct 11, 2018
Rubble and Stuff by N/A

Details are what make the difference to an image, right?

Often missing the groundcovering stuff?
Here comes a set of rubble and stuff that will help you to complement your images with a set of groundcovering elements:

- Dirt (Morphable Plane to add or remove layers of dirt)
- Rubble (Several Plane sizes and density of rubble)
- Bolts and Screws (Several Plane sizes and density of rubble)
- Papers (Several Plane sizes and density of rubble)
- Leaves (Several Plane sizes and density of rubble)
- Chains (several types)
- Bucket (intact)
- Bucket (Broken)
- Pipes (straight, curve)
- Woodscrap

Even though it sounds simple, those details make a difference to reality in your scenes. Ground is never plain and clean.
Check the samples to get a better impression.

Rem: Build for Poser, works in D/S; check readme for more.

Price: $9.20 USD

Prime Price: $4.60 USD
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Price: $9.20 USD

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