Paper Tiger's Quick HDRI Lighting

released on Oct 30, 2018
Paper Tiger's Quick HDRI Lighting by N/A

Contains Adult Content!

Contains Adult Content!

DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY
Available Uses:

Paper Tiger's Quick HDRI Lighting

Quick and easy lighting that produces fast and accurate natural results with simple setup and rapid rendering.

- 10 HDRI Images
- 5 Point Lights
- 3 Bloom Options
- Environment Intensity Settings
- Point Light Intensity and Color Settings
- Environment settings (Ground On/Off, Dome Visibility, Dome Rotation, Environmental Lighting Blur On/Off)
- Point Light settings (Emitter Visibility)
- 2 Render Settings

Promotional images for this set were rendering with only the lights included in the set and contain no postwork other than composting.

Price: $10.00 USD

5360 36

Price: $10.00 USD

5360 36