Doctor / Surgeon Clothing Set for Miki 2.0

3D Models released on Nov 01, 2018
Doctor / Surgeon Clothing Set for Miki 2.0 by N/A

Software: Poser 6 +
External ID: 217-232

As a doctor or sugeon, Miki is ready for any medical emergeny or procedure. Content Paradise has all the equipment needed for any kind of medical situation!

Conforming scrubs shirt
Conforming scrubs pants
Conforming shoes with socks
Conforming coat with movement morphs for hips
Body morphs: Mesomorph, Ectomorph, Endomorph, BreastsNatural
Doctor Bag
2 Medical instruments
Surgeons Mask
Surgeon Tray
2 Scissors
2 texture variations for the scrubs
1 texture variation for all other included items
bumpmaps and displacement maps are included
Material Room settings
Texture Templates
Miki 2.0 figure not included. To view the figure, please click here.