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Software: Poser 6 +
External ID: 380-395
Viking Clothing Pack for G2 Females
Conforming Dress
Conforming Boots
Conforming Cape
Smart Prop Helmet
Material Room settings (mc6) for easy use
Templates for all included items
Included morphs:
Movement and Adjustment Morphs
2 texture sets for each item:
Dress - 2 textures, 2 bump maps, 2 displacement maps - each 3000 x 3000
Cape - 2 textures, 2 bump maps, 1 displacement map - each 3000 x 3000
Boots - 2 textures, 2 bump maps, 1 transparent map - each 3000 x 3000
Helmet - 2 textures, 2 bumpmaps - each 2048 x 2048
G2 figures not included. To view the figures, please click here.