The hard working ancient Egyptian laborer comes home to a brick and stone two room home. Stairs built up one wall lead to the roof, where reed mats provide some respite. Inside a front room is available with a few wooden pieces of furniture, where all food preparation and family activities take place. A back bedroom provides some little privacy to the laborer and his wife. One luxury is a senet game to play with his wife or visiting friends.
Poser version includes completed geometry, dial driven doors, and more from this Egyptian Village Volume 1 series. Ancient Egypt Volume 1 is a series of 3D models based around buildings found in the dynastic era of Egypt. Create ancient world and Biblical scenes easily with these fully furnished models based on Egyptian life.
Components: Complete, Empty, bed, bench, chair, chest, chip, cup, Jug stand, jug lid, jug, plate, rod, senet, shelf, table