Lindwurm III

3D Base Figures released on Nov 01, 2018
Lindwurm III by N/A

Software: Poser 5+

LINDWURM III is an old typical germanic dragon, living at the great time of Celtics and Teutons/Germanen, nearly at the same time when Siegfried of the Nibelungen-Saga killed the famous dragon Fafnir. The word Lindworm is usually nothing else than the real old german word for Dragon. The real old word was lintwurm, and lint is the old germanic word for snake.
We germans and northmen have a long traditional history with dragons, long time before the Dragon becomes a Fantasy subject, and also long time before the wild Vikings told their stories about great fury Dragons and heroic Magicians. While the Celtics were stroken in the famous Varusschlacht in the area of Teutoburger Wald, the Teutons/Germanen who lived in small family bounds in the great northern woods couldn't be civilisized by the Roman Imperium. So the triumphant advance of the Roman Imperium ended at the line where the river Rhein runs today.
With this short introduction and overview about the real time of Dragons i hope to give you a better realistic view of Dragons, far off any Fantasy-themed stories, images and films. Don't believe all what Hollywood and Artists will tell you (like Dragons are attractive and can fly *lol*), but if you look in the old history of Celtics and Teutons you'll find real myths, poems and sagas which will dissolve the boundary between fantasy and realism.